1 June 2024 - Dragon boat festival meet-up Amsterdam

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Amsterdam
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Jen’s Bing Cafe (Roetersstraat 4HS, 1018WC, Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
:calendar: DATE: 2024-06-01 The first day of June
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:00-15:00 (Netherlands time)
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

:dragon_face: :rowing_man:DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL MEET-UP

Also known as the Double Fifth Festival, we celebrate this festival in Taiwanese style. Caution :bangbang: The main language of the event will be in English :bangbang:

We will enjoy authentic Taiwanese food and drink at Jen’s Bing Cafe.
As a Taiwanese living in the Netherlands as an au pair, I would love to introduce and show you more about my beloved country. Therefore, during the meet-up, you can also get to know more about the tradition of celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival in Taiwan.

10:30-11:00 Gather in front of the cafe
11:00-14:00, We will enjoy the food, writing cards and meetingbooks.
14:00-15:00, Let’s make Fragrant sachet together!
At the end, we’ll make a group picture with the special fragrant sachet we made together at the event.

About the cost
€ 30, including a set of food and drink, a DIY kit of the fragrant sachet, revenue fee, and Taiwanese snacks (to pay in advance via IBAN transfer)
There will be meetup cards: (pay in advance via Tikkie)

Meet-up card
Co-arranged with @Jaynillo :heart_on_fire:
Waiting for design and arrange
Due to the limited time for the event including the workshop, only 20 cards per person can be stamped in the meet-up. Of course, you can order as many cards as you would like to.
If you don’t attend the meeting, you won’t be able to receive meeting cards.

Attending list

*Maximum 12 people for the event

  1. @nishaa
  2. @LiveLaughLoveLeafs
  3. @mar127
  4. @Jaynillo
  5. @elena_gloverr
  6. @Sarah1001
  7. @Joo5t
  8. @Florisca
  9. @soundstorm
  10. @Leentjebuur
  11. @meidans
  12. @Nipi

Waiting list maximum 5

WhatsApp group
We would like to create a WhatsApp group where we show the meeting card and send the ‘tikkies’ for the costs of the cards. Lunch will also be arranged in. the WhatsApp group. After you have registered, please send a private message to @Jaynillo with your telephone number.

The meet-up card


Write me in for your meetup in Amsterdam
Can i travel whit the OV
Is it by Amsterdam central ?
I like it

What is dollar , hoeveel euro

I like to come.

I like to come

I would love to join

Count me in

Such a great idea!

I’m not sure if I can join that day , could you please add me with a ‘ovb’ (‘onder voorbehoud’, ‘with a reserve’)?

I would like to come too.

Count me in please

Count me in please!

Count me in please.

I’d be happy to join!

Would love to come

I would love to join this meetup as well - will there be a waiting list?

id love to join !!

Hi there! you can travel with the OV but the location is not exactly in the central. Let me know if you need help with traveling here.

And than train to Amsterdam Central ,
Than take the busstop or??? Number ??

What is the street and number?

You can take the train to Diemen Zuid and transfer there to the metro heading towards Amsterdam Centraal (line 53). Then, get off at Weesperplein, and from there, it’s not far to walk. If you enter the address of the restaurant, Roetersstraat 4HS, 1018 WC Amsterdam, into Google Maps, it will show you how to walk there. (By the way, you could also find that address at the top of this topic) :blush: