08 June 2024 - Biddeford, Maine Meet up

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Biddeford, ME
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Blaze Brewing Company, 28 Pearl Street, Biddeford, ME
:calendar: DATE: June 8, 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:30PM-2PM
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

I am from Massachusetts but will be spending some time in the area and thought it would be fun to have a meet up.

Blaze Brewing Company in Biddeford, ME is where the event will be held. It is a brewery but also serves food and non-alcoholic beverages. While the event is free, please consider purchasing a drink or food. If the weather is nice and not windy, there are some picnic tables outside that we could sit at.

We will spend our time meeting each other, chatting about postcards, Postcrossing, life, etc. And of course: signing meet up cards. Once the design is complete I will share it in the comments below along with the cost per postcard.

Bring your name stamp (if you have one), pen, stickers, addresses to send to and your good cheer. There will also be a trash to treasure table where you can bring postcards, stickers, washi that you aren’t a fan of or just want to share.

I look forward to meeting everyone. I’ve been to several meet ups and they always wonderful because finally you can share your love of postcards and mail and stickers with other people who also feel the same as you! :slight_smile:

Attendees (number of postcards requested)
@TrvlCat (10)
@WalkinMomma (20)
@JulieBeeSea (10)
@SeagullWoman (10)
@Moonshelle (10)
@lobstahugs (10)
@kristencat (20)


Yes, I am in! I live a little under an hour away from Biddeford. I’m not sure about locations though because I don’t spend time there.

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Here is the postcard I designed for the meetup. Postcards will be 60 cents each. I ordered 100. You can pay me cash or venmo at the meetup.


Count me in! I’ll take 10 cards. But will definitely love more if you have extra on the day of. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Tagging some people who live in the area.
@hiser, @MyDaydreamingHeart , @SeagullWoman , @yummymayo , @cmarie , @JulieBeeSea , @kcaitlin95 , @avery27 , @Diane22 , @lobstahugs

@kristencat yes! I can walk to this location from my apartment! I will definitely be there! I’m new to Postcrossing Meetups so I’m not sure what I need but I’m excited that there’s one in my area- thank you for arranging this!

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@JulieBeeSea So happy you are able to make it! All you really need is a pen! Thats all i had for my first meet up. Some people like to write out and decorate postcards while there, so feel free to bring your crafty things. It is a chance to nerd out with other postcard nerds. Haha.


@kristencat Thanks so much for the tag and for organizing this meetup! I’ve really been wanting to attend one in-person. Sadly, I would say there’s probably only a 30% chance I’ll be able to make it as the meetup date is only about a week out from a big (but good and long-awaited) surgery… so if I am feeling up for it, I’ll try to be there, but I very likely may not be recovered enough at that point.

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I’m so happy to see this! I’m looking forward to this meetup! Thanks for organizing this and the great postcard.

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Sooooo excited! I have been wanting a meetup near me and this is perfect!

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So, Blaze Brewing is on Pearl Street which you can access via Lincoln Street. It’s part of the old mills on the river- I live just across the Saco River! Here’s a map for those unfamiliar with the area. If you pass the Lincoln Hotel, you’re headed in the right direction. If you can stop in their lobby to see some of the most amazing decor in the area, it’s gorgeous!


Yes!!! Count me in! I will be coming from the Augusta area if anyone wants to carpool!!! And I will take 10 cards! :star_struck:

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Oh gosh! I hope the surgery goes well! I completely understand if you arent able to make it!

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5 postcards for me please. Thanks!

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You mentioned name stamps. I don’t have one. Do you recommend a place? I am so excited for this. Thank you so much for organizing it!

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Hi. I have two name stamps (I couldn’t decide on a design). I ordered them from rubberstamps.net. Both of my stamps are 3/4 inch stamps. I pretty much only use them for meet up cards because sometimes it can take a while if you have to sign your name a bunch of times. Since there will only be 100 cards (although I could order more if people want more or more people join) I don’t think it will be too bad. Usually there are 250 cards to sign, sometimes more. You don’t NEED a name stamp, but it is helpful :slight_smile:

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Can you put me down for 10 postcards instead? Thanks!

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@SeagullWoman and @JulieBeeSea would you like to reserve meet up cards? If so, how many? They are 60 cents each.

Yes, please! 10 and let me know if we Venmo you or pay that day!

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Thanks for reaching out. I’d love to reserve 10 postcards!
So happy you have arranged this meetup!
Jennifer~ (Seagull Woman ~)

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