08 June 2024 - Biddeford, Maine Meet up

The cards are in! Yay!!

Looking forward to meetingyou all next Saturday!


I am planning to be there, unless something comes up, it will be my first Postcrossing meetup. I would like to get 10 cards. Moonshelle, I wouldn’t mind carpooling with you, I live in Lewiston.

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I am so happy there is interest in a meet up and for so many of you, it will be your first one! So far the forecast is not looking great so we will be inside most likely. I started organizing the cards and treats for Saturday.

There will be a trash to treasure table which is basically your chance to bring those postcards you’ve had in your stash for a while that you don’t want to hold onto anymore or maybe some stickers you’re bored of, washi, etc. What is one postcrosser’s trash may be another’s treasure. If you don’t have anything you want to add, you can still take from the pile. (I always feel weird about this, but really, people want these things taken off their hands.)

Have a great week!


Hello! I am just exploring the realm of meetups, although I’ve been a postcrosser for years.
I’m also from Massachusetts, and I would come up and join your gathering but I already committed to something at noon down here in Boston metro.

I might (later in the summer) be up for organizing a meetup near me. Since you’re from MA already, would you a) be interested in coming to my meetup if I manage to organize one, and b) be willing to answer a couple dumb questions here & there for a noob on that front?
many thanks, and wish I could join you – it sounds fun!

Hi! Sad you wont be able to make it but it is great that you want to organize one. I would suggest going to a meet up first. There are usually a couple a year in massachusetts. @WalkinMomma has planned several in southern mass. She goes all out with hers!

I wont be in Massachusetts this summer so wont be planning any but i am def here to answer any questions you may have.

Have a good one, Kristen

Hello. I am here and made the executive decision to sit outside. Im at a long picnic table by wood. Haha

Thank you for organizing this meetup! I had a great time and it was wonderful meeting everyone. Maybe we’ll have another one in Maine before too long. :smiley:

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thank you everyone for coming! i had a great time. i forgot to get a photo! sigh. you will just have to hold another meet up and take a photo. :wink: if anyone ever has questions about hosting a meet up you can reach out to me! have a good one :slight_smile:

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