03 JUNE 23: HESSENTAG meetup in Pfungstadt - Feldpostamt & “Der Natur auf der Spur”

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Pfungstadt, Hessen
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Feldpostamt der Bundeswehr / German Army Post Office @ “Platz der Bundeswehr”
:calendar: DATE: 03.06.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: meeting new people, write postcards, special cancellation & stamps & cards, welcome note by the mayor of Pfungstadt

The German Army Postal System (Feldpost) will welcome us with a collection of their postcards, stamps (designed via “Briefmarke Individuell”) and a unique cancellation stamp. We can mail the cards directly via their mailbox on site. Ample of seating in their outdoor area will be available. Nearby is also a hospitality-tent of the “Feldküche”, in case it rains. They usually offer a small menu from their “Gulaschkanone” (vegetarian e.g. pea soup and non-veg options).

Thereafter, we can visit the nearby special activity area called “Der Natur auf der Spur”, where nature-conservation-organizations like the NABU and BUND will have their nature-awareness-displays. They also have a great collection of attractive postcards.

Unfortunately, there won’t be an official Hessentag-postcard this year. For meeting-cards, see below.

If you like to join our WhatsApp-Group to exchange ideas and logistics prior to / at the meetup, text me at: +49 177 6708311

Meeting cards: everyone is invited to design meeting cards. However, please post your cards here in the thread in order to give everyone the opportunity to order them from you.

Location: Hessentag 2023 - Platz der Bundeswehr
Besucherplan zum Runterladen

Public Transport & Parking: HESSENTAG 2023 | An- und Abreise

@GermanInArabia +1 (Ralf & Khaled, :palestinian_territories:)
@kjk87 (Kai-Jan)
@tom1802 (Thomas)
@Sieral (Sabine)
@marraine76 +1 (Ina)
@helen0203 (Thea)
@AlexGeo +3 (Alexander)
@Yvonnche +1 (Yvonne & Jörg)
@shugal (Martin)
@Yvonnios +1 (Yvonne)
@MarijnPascal +1 (Marijn & Pascal)
@eisdrache (Svea)
@joma +2 (Rebekka & sons)
@Vorleserin +1
@Anka-89 (Anka)

@Post-Froggy (Ruth)
@meanie-jay (Jasmin)
@Alex021 (Alex)
@Lorene (Babsi)


Sounds great! :smiley::+1:
Please put me on the participants list. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:
Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

should I be back from my trip i would participate

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I am in too :slight_smile:

That sounds very good. I’ll come :+1:

Ich hab da mal was am PC gebastelt… Könnte ich drucken lassen, wenn sich vorab genügend Abnehmer finden.


sieht doch fantastisch aus Ina @marraine76 . Das Hessentags-Logo hat jedoch ein Copyright. Ich habe heute mit den Organisatoren gesprochen. Wir können es benutzen, wenn wir einen kleinen Nutzungs-Erlaubnis-Prozess durchlaufen. Keine große Sache. Ich kann das gerne abklären. Schicke mir doch mal eine kurze WhatsApp-Nachricht oder Email (red@red-pj.de). Dann kümmere ich mich drum. Rufnummer im Text oben


Sieht toll aus. :smiley::+1:
Wäre auch echt super, wenn es mit dem offiziellen Hessentags-Logo klappt. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:
Wie wäre denn in etwa der Preis pro Karte?

erörtern wir gerade und klären es ab. Werden rechtzeitig hier informieren. Bis ganz bald! Ich freue mich!


Kein Problem. Da ist ja keine Eile geboten. -
Ich freue mich auch schon sehr auf das Meeting! :smiley::+1:

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Sehr schön, wir wären gerne mit dabei (2 Erwachsene, 2 Kinder).

Huhu und hallöle…
Oh hi there, Pfungi…nearby Da-Eberstadt (my hometown), yeah :heart:
Please do sign me in with a ?
Danke und liebe Grüsse,
Christine (winkt)

Coole Karte, bin gleich schockverliebt :heart:

Huhu liebe Gabriele…
Na, vlt. auch interessiert?

Gibt es noch freie Plätze? Ich hätte auch Interesse.

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Vielen dank fürs Organisieren, @GermanInArabia ! :+1:

Ich möchte gern teilnehmen. Wahrscheinlich kommt meine Freundin auch mit

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Ich kann jetzt bestätigen, daß meine Freundin mitkommt.

Ich werde auch eine oder mehrere Meetingkarten machen, Danke an @GermanInArabia für die Kontaktinfo fürs Hessentag-Logo! Da ich erstmal die Genehmigung abwarte, wird es etwas dauern, bis ich das/die Design(s) hier veröffentlichen kann.

I will design one (maybe more) meet-up cards. I’m waiting for approval to use the official Hessentag logo and will publish my design(s) here once that has been decided.


Hallo, ich würde auch gerne teilnehmen zusammen mit meinem Mann

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For the list: my first name is Natalia. :smiley:

Finally I received the permission to use the Hessentag logo today. Here are my two meet-up card designs. The red lines on the design show the “safe zone” that will definitely not be cut away. The cards will be a bit larger than the area within the red lines. The red lines will not be present on the printed cards. The final back sides will show the actual number of printed cards for each card.

As the Altes Rathaus is already featured on the card from @marraine76, I decided to use Klostermühle and the spire of the protestant church for my single-view card.
Card #014: Single view

The multiview card shows:
top left: Altes Rathaus (old city hall)
top right: former Synagogue
bottom left: ehemaliges Pfarrhaus (former clergy house), the oldest still existing building in Pfungstadt, surrounded by the Malzfabrik (malt house)
bottom right: Stadthaus I (city municipal building I, nowadays mostly acting as city hall)
Card #015: Multi view

Unfortunately I’m unavailable the second half of May, so orders for cards need to be placed by the end of Thursday 04. May 2023. I will order the postcards in the morning German time on 05. May. This will ensure that I can mail the postcards mid-May to you. The meet-up cards will have a high-gloss front and a writable non-glassy back. The price per card will depend on the total number ordered for each card, but will not exceed 0.30 Euro per card. In addition I will charge postage as actually required (note that the weight will be higher than just the cards, as I will use additional packaging protection). All postcards will be mailed to you mid-May after payment by bank transfer is received, which should allow for delivery into most European countries. I do not offer pickup or payment at the meet-up, because there is always the possibility tzhat I cannot attend on short notice. You can order the number of cards you need by sending me a private message or by posting here in the thread. I will send a private message to you once I have ordered the cards and therefore know the price.