03 FEB 2024 Winter Warm-Up Meetup St. Charles MO

:world_map: CITY/REGION: St. Charles, Missouri
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: St. Charles City-County Library, Kathryn Linnemann Branch
:calendar: DATE: February 3, 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 2 pm Central
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Meet and greet, swap cards, show and tell, and chat!

Please join me for a :snowflake: Winter :cookie: Warmup! :snowflake:

Let’s get cozy with hot cocoa, cookies and our favorite, postcards!

Maybe meeting other Postcrossers will help us make it through our toughest month in Missouri!

  1. Trash to Treasure: Bring 5 cards in a ziploc to throw in the swap basket and take a random baggie of 5 for yourself.

  2. Bring your stickers or stamps to sign a few cards.

  3. Bring cards you would like to send or swap.

Further Details:
As long as the library does not close due to inclement weather, there can be up to 40 Postcrossers for our meetup.

Meetup postcards will be printed by January 15th and cost will be 50 cents each or lower depending on the number of cards claimed for printing.

My primary goal is to meet other postcrossers in the area and I would like time to talk and get to know one another vs simply meeting up to stamp or sign cards. I will plan on making time for that for those that choose to do so, but will set a maximum amount depending on # of participants.

If you’re interested, I will put together a slide show of our favorite postcards. Send MyPostCartel@gmail.com a jpeg of your favorite card to add to a slide show.

Please let me know if you’re interested so I can build a list of first come first serve since we have a limited number of spots.
Also claim your cards so I’ll know how many to print.

Hope to see you then!

Old Town St Charles and Main Street with its quaint, cobblestoned historical district is only 6 minutes away from the library. I highly recommend it.

Discover Main Street St Charles

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.


I’m interested, weather permitting if that’s okay! I’d be driving from Kansas City.

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Added the RSVP button if you’d like to claim a spot.

I’m glad you reached out! I’d love to join - haven’t gotten to meet any local postcrossers yet.

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I’m looking forward to meeting! I love this hobby and am envious of just how many meetups there are in other countries. :joy:

Thank you for reaching out and organizing this! I’m excited to MEET other PostCrossers as well! For now I would like 20 cards.:smiley:

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Yay! So glad you can join us! ! I have you down for 20 ish :blush:

Looking forward to it!

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Thanks for reaching out to me,
Count me in. :grinning:
This is so close to home base.
I would like to pre-order 20 post cards also.
Looking forward to the Meet- Up.

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I will be there, weather permitting. Coming from central Illinois. I will take 10 meetup cards, please.

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What part of a meetup do you look forward to the most?


Hi! I’ll be there with @lilchickadee :slight_smile:
I’ll take 15 cards please.
Looking forward to the meetup!!


This will only be my 2nd meetup. I’m looking forward to the dedicated time to actually meet and talk to the other PC members. My first one was primarily focused on stamping and signing the postcards.

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I’ll be there! Looking forward to meeting everyone. :blush: I’d like 25 cards please.


This will be my first meetup. The postcard swap sounds fun and meeting others in my area are what I’m looking most forward to.


Yay! Welcome! :blush: see you then!

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@iamabibliophile - can I get 20 cards please? Looking forward to meeting some of you in real life!


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Hello fellow postcrossers! . I didn’t receive a reply on how the card didn’t meet the guidelines so I’ve redesigned it so that the logo is entirely on the yellow instead of the green and yellow and added a photo of the back since Vicky was so concerned that it might not meet their guidelines. We wouldn’t want that. :blush:

Hope everyone is having a great week. Looking forward to celebrating my holiday with family. Enjoy yours! Cheers!


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:joy: ok thank you. Happy Holidays! :blush:

To me the very top edge looks blue but then fades to green and yellow as you said. I’m glad you got the guidance you were looking for despite the last comment being totally unnecessary, unprofessional and uncalled for. Way to take the high road in your response! I look forward to meeting you in person and seeing the updated card! :smiley: