02 September 2023 - Vienna MUSEUM MUSA Meeting Postcard Exhibition Part 2

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Vienna
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Wien Museum MUSA - Felderstraße 6-8, 1010 Wien
:calendar: DATE: 02.09.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: guided tour of the exhibition "GROSSTADT IM KLEINFORMAT - Die Wiener Ansichtskarte and then we stamp our postcards and eat delivered food at the foyer of the museum

Christine (postcrossing name krstinchyk) , who is employed at Musa museum, and I want to invite you to a second meet up for the Vienna postcard exhibition at Vienna Musa Museum (adress Felderstraße 6-8, 1010 Wien) - further information you will find here: GROSSSTADT IM KLEINFORMAT Die Wiener Ansichtskarte

Here is the detail plan:
From 10:30 meeting in the entrance hall of Vienna Musa Museum - adress: Felderstaße 6-8, 1010 Wien
At 11:00: guided tour (around 1 hour) in the exhibition “GROSSTADT IN KLEINFORMAT” - Die Wiener Ansichtskarte
Afterwards we will stamp our postcards in the foyer of the museum with in the museum delivered food (it is also possible to bring own food to the museum) and have time to chat and to get to know the other postcrossers (no restaurant)

Entrance fee of the museum have to be paid: € 8 , reduced entrance fee for students and retirees: € 7
No extra fee for the guided tour (Kristina arranged this for us)

The meeting is limited to 20 persons

Meeting cards will be published by Wien Museum in coordination of Kristina - special: we will get them for free arranged from Wien Museum and Christine - the 2 motives you will find in the post

We say thank you to this great opportunity and fantastic cooperation with the MUSA Wien Museum

The participants list:

  1. krstinchyk
  2. Vessuvia (comes later, not for guided tour)
  3. Danube
  4. Robin67
  5. Bock
  6. Daisy169
  7. chrisgri
  8. schwestersusi
  9. windixxie
  10. haweiup
  11. tinilu
  12. ooma (comes later, not for guided tour)
  13. Luckystarshine
  14. Edelweiss (comes later, not for guided tour)
  15. zuzulik
  16. rotviolett
  17. sophie99
  18. AniMani_Mik

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.


I’d like to take part, please. :smile:


Bin dabei
F. Bock


Another really great Meeting, :smiley::+1:
I wish I would live in Vienna. :slightly_smiling_face::austria:


MUSA 2 - ich wäre gerne dabei :wink:


Hallo Sabrina!
Ich bin auch gerne dabei.


Ich bin dabei und freue mich😍!!


Hi :slight_smile: ich komme auch gerne mit! Lg Sabi


Für mich bitte 15 von beiden Motiven

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@Robin67, @Bock, @daisy169, @chrisgri, @SchwesterSusi, @Windixxie - information and motives of meeting cards are new posted, please write in the post your meeting card wishes

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Bitte je 20 Stück für mich.
Fritz Bock

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Ich komme auch wieder. Nehme jeweils 5 Stück von den Karten.


Hallo Danube, ich bin gerne dabei ! LG Karl


Bitte von jeder Karte 30 Stück - Danke.

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Hallo für mich bitte je 5 stück :slight_smile: danke!

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Bitte je 20 Stück für mich.

@Danube Gerne. Ist notiert.

@chrisgri Passt.

@Bock Wird gemacht. Danke

@Rupertom Freut mich. Kartenwunsch ist notiert.

@haweiup Gerne. Sind für Dich reserviert.

@Windixxie Gerne

Für mich bitte 30 Stk von Karte 1 (mit dem Fiaker)! Vielen Dank :heart_eyes::raising_hand_woman:t2:

Ich wäre auch gerne dabei! Bitte je 10 Karten von beiden Motiven.


Bekommst Du.