Zero Replies

Hi all, and please circulate to other areas…

Well it’s an odd thing posting here, sometimes some posts get a reply, sometimes they don’t! All the luck of the post perhaps? Only well it must be sad not to get any response at all, not even a thanks for posting…

So FOR the WHOLE month of August I encourage us all to reply to a post, particularly one that has not yet had a response.

Let us all be a little thankful for time given to post and hope we all get a reply to our own posts as well.

Thank you.



Hi, Ed I can understand it can be sometimes frustrating when you don’t feel like you are heard or seen.
So what marvelous thing are you most grateful for today?

As it is well past my bedtime I will wish you a great day… do something that will bring you joy.


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Also I can understand that it can be very frustrating for the OP but on the other hand there are topics where every single answer is too much (because it’s a very provocating topic ect.) or there simply isn’t any answer.


Hi well yesterday was my birthday, so? Today it’s sunny and lovely…

Sometimes all you need is the simplest thing to make you smile. :slight_smile:

Hope you are well and yes I hope by posting this others will want to find a post today and respond, even if only to say hello and all the best.

Take care



True… :slight_smile: Of course those that never get a reply, what happens then? Perhaps the swap or pen pal demand was too specific or too much? Either way, often just a bit of time for our hobby can seem too much, so my hope is to try and spread a little more joy in the world.

Thanks for responding and have a lovely weekend.


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Many times half or replies in swap/penpals topics are immediately to private messages (I do that a lot), so maybe it’s not that bad after all


Good day Ed, its morning now 7 am so happy belated birthday….

May every day following may you find something to be grateful for… it is a funny thing about that exercise… more things will surface that you note how very fortunate you are…

Light today for tomorrow

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Like Xute, I often reply privately, too, but Ed, you do make me feel more aware though of the times I see no replies. Maybe there are opportunities to just be friendly that I miss.

Happy belated birthday!!! PM your address if you would like me to mail you a belated birthday postcard!


Hi… Yeah some members will of course reply privately, that we don’t see… lol

Thank you, that’s very kind. I shall PM it to you. :slight_smile:

All the best


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I would not reply to something unless I had something to contribute like an actual answer to someone’s question and it never occurred to me that someone might find it rude.


@EDC83 My memory recall (which isn’t as great as it used to be) was that sometime ago you were considering scaling back on PostCrossing or leaving it altogether. Am I right, or am I confusing you with someone else?

Hi, yes. I’ve already limited what I send and also reduced my postcard collection. Sadly you and many others missed out before I had chance to offer some… Crazy as it might be, but a friend bought about 1500 postcards off my, seriously downsizing what I have.

All the best



Well Happy belated birthday! I do see your point, I feel rather sad for the person posting when I see no replies at all.

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