Your Opinion Please: Does something like a "perfect" Postcard exist? If yes, please describe it

Is there a “perfect” Postcard you dream about? Does something like this even exist? Any Input is welcome!

  • fully written with personal touch (non mainstream messages)
  • decorative (with stickers, washi tape, drawing, artsy and neat handwriting)
  • lovely stamps (although I don’t collect them it’s always lovely to see the variety of stamps used)
  • a picture in the front side that match my personal preference

^ all in oder from what I like the most about a “perfect” postcard :heart:


I think you nailed the description of a perfect card!

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My perfect postcard must come from family, not strangers.


When you come across a postcard you want or need in a collection.
Or receiving a written one from a happy & excited sender.

A card not same as cards I’ve received before. (It won’t be mean since I had only received 30 cards) I know that same cards from different people can be different, but it is more exciting for a newbie to receive a new card. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
And I love postcards filled with words! I can feel the connection between me and the sender. A kind angel sent me a card with words about my profile once. I was so moved about the fact that someone read my profile(29xx/3000)! But it is unfair to ask everyone to read it all, so words about anything in my profile can make a card perfect.

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While I wouldn’t like all my postcards to be made along the same pattern - one kind of postcard that comes to mind here are tourist cards that show both people in an everyday situation and some major tourist sight or a typical landscape/cityscape in the background.
Things like this:


While I totally agree with @catchycat description, I also think that a “Perfect postcard” may vary depending on everyone’s personal preferences.
For example, I found some people on PC that do not like stickers, washi, decorations, etc.
Over all, I think a postcard that is written and matches at least some of your preferences both on fron image and back text + decorations, is your perfect postcard.

I am not sure if there is already a thread for this topic, but I’d love to see a thread where people show oficial postcards that absolutely nailed it.

Maybe we could create one or have this be the thread where people share this Perfect Postcards of theirs?
As an example, I recently received one postcard that nailed it (and I let the sended know both on personal response and in the comment section of the card):

  • This was a card with a map, but a simplification map that I shows the main points of the island of Taiwan and I can follow without being in Taiwan.
  • It is a wooden postcard. And a real one. I always worry about those thin wooden postcards that are just a layer of wood with an image printed because those are thin but not flexible and they break really easy. This is a real sturdy one, with rounded tips and a cord to hang it from a side.
  • It had a personal message, commenting things from day by day. Some text in chinese-taiwanese (with translation) and some in english.
  • And a very very pretty stamp with old type of ships (my favourite one, actually, sanpan and the sender had no way to know this) that was even better because it was a painting of the ships instead of a photo, the background and the colours are stunning.

Perfect postcard for me:

  • Picture of the card fits my wishes or likes
  • Is decorative(not necessarily fully decorated but artistic, like using same colour shades in the stamp and a piece of washi tape)
  • Beautiful stamp or / and a stamp that fits the decoration
  • Has some sort of message and not just the basics
  • I feel connected to the sender
  • I can see the thought behind the card

But the card does not need to have all of those to be very important and loved by me. I’ve received many cards I wasn’t the biggest fan of the picture but the text side made my whole day! Or cards that I only could have dreamt of before, but the message was left basic and bland. But I was never disappointed.

I’ve received at least one perfect card I can mention now that was from a European person (Hello to you if you happen to read this!) who got their card from Palestine and they decided I was the right person to send it to after many years. I was very touched and felt connected to this person. As it perfectly fit my interests and values, was decorated nicely and the message was perfect.

I already received the perfect card - once officially:

… now that’s really difficult to top!!!

But I got one more through swap and some from my best friend. The cards from friends are usually perfect :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And many, many years ago I’ve sent some perfect cards myself - now would love receive them myself, but as they come from Australia, it’s quite hard to realize. So I won’t describe them here …

A postcard is perfect when I feel the love that someone put into it. The decorations, the stamps, or the writing feels personal, the time that this person took to read my profile makes me happy.


I really like the homogenous, nice postcard sets. One of the first I discovered was “Augenblicke series” from Bavaria, Germany:

I like also Russian city / UNESCO / lighthouses series from

I’m certain it’s different for every person. The “perfect” postcard for me was a postcard-sized knitted sampler, containing strips of different colors and stitches. I don’t knit, but the skill and effort the person put into it was impressive–I had mentioned liking handmade cards. She mailed it in an envelope. I will treasure it forever.
Really, though, for me, it’s the message on the back that makes it for me. I often don’t turn the card over until I’ve fully digested what is written. If it’s a friendly message telling me something about the writer, or sharing the history, customs, or other about their area, I’m very happy, no matter what’s on the other side. Sketches, colorful stickers, etc., are a wonderful bonus.