You know you're a Postcrosser when

…when you memorize a country ISO code because you’re used to read postcard IDs

…when you know how to properly write / format an address in other countries


And one of the reasons I did that at university is that there was a mailbox at campus - very convenient :relaxed:


… when your children find it absolutely necessary to have their own letterbox for their tree house and draw their own stamps before breakfast.


…when opening a book for some backup information for your job :books: and you find an index chapter labeled The Collector - About the postcard series by Friedrich Ruef-Hirt.
It is the last chapter of your book and, yes, you start reading the book by this chapter on postcards :open_book: The other pages can wait :rofl:


…when you order 150+ postcards online and decide enough is enough. You have more than enough postcards. No more.

Then the shop you have been following and have been resisting the temptation to buy from has a sale. :sob:

Be right back… :money_with_wings:


You debate which cereal box to buy based on how the postcard will look that you will make for a eco-friendly tag.


When I get a new address I Google it so I can see if a person lives in the city or in the country and then I look at the historical facts of the city. I also made a spreadsheet of what types of postcards people like to see if I could see what the predominant commonality is so I would know what kind of postcards to buy. It actually didn’t really help that much because while there are some overlapping interests like travel and reading the rest are as diverse as the individuals. Plus even though I’m not a collector I still seem to buy the cards I like. TMI?


When you go to the nearest tourist shop an hour away and walk up to the counter to checkout with 200 postcards…they ask you if you’re a collector or something…and you spend the next 20 minutes telling them all about Postcrossing.

When your local rural postal carrier automatically delivers postcards to you even though the name/address label has fallen off during the journey.


:joy::joy::joy: #nailedit

When you make postcards from your own photos and now EVERYTHING you see could be a potential theme for a new card…Oooohhh, what a cool crack in the sidewalk…Wow, my laundry looks interesting on the floor…:joy::joy::joy:


… when you travel to a different country and check their postal rates before the journey.

… when you go on a business trip to a different city and are super happy to find out that there’s a museum right next to your hotel and you’ll arrive just in time before it closes, so you can check the museum shop for postcards (of the nearby UNESCO site that sadly you won’t have time to visit).


… when you see BY on the number plate of the car in front of you and you first think of Belarus.


So I sat here thinking why someone would say “nail edit” until I put it into google who suggested “nailed it” :joy: :joy: :joy:
What can I do, I’m old, sleepy, and not a native English speaker :joy:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


You know you’re a postcrosser when a fellow Postcrosser writes your username in the ABC of postcrossers :wink:


By that metric, I’m a fake postcrosser. :stuck_out_tongue:

You unbelievably spend time looking for a food box to cut up for a post crosser that wants food box postcards! Then actually cut it up into a postcard!


Yeah that sound like me. I have a full cupboard with boxes filled with unwritten cards.
I’m allways looking for just the right postcard. And even though I forbid myself to buy any more, I just cann’t seem to resist going into a good cardshop -or any shop - looking for new cards, tapes or stickers.
Haven’t done that though this past year :thinking:
But surely I will do this again after the lockdown periods.

You know when you’re a postcrosser when you allways think of how to make other people happy and saving train, bus, metro, theatre tickets or used stamps just to send them along with the postcard to people who collect these items. I have at least three old videoboxes full with these items even thouhg I don’t collect these myself :joy:


when the postcards for every inhabitant in your village end up in YOUR mailbox


You know you’re a Postcrosser when:

  • Every time you see a neat picture, logo, painting, cartoon character, etc., your first thought is “I hope there’s a postcard of that!”, and you lose interest in it almost immediately if there isn’t.
  • Even if you’ve signed up for restock notices, you haunt your favorite postcard vending web sites daily just in case they got something in and you somehow missed the e-mail.
  • However much you’re enjoying your trip to a museum, zoo, or gallery, you’re always slightly distracted because you really want to get to the gift shop to see what postcards they have.
  • You’ll interrupt almost anything when you get a “Hurray!..” e-mail so you can request a new address, because you’ve been spending time looking with mounting annoyance at the “0 left” notation on your “Traveling” bar.
  • (Related) You’re irrationally elated when one of your postcard arrives and bumps you up to a larger traveling queue, because now you have two cards you can send.
  • You always feel like you have an insufficient variety of postcards and stamps if you can imagine any request, however esoteric, that you wouldn’t be able to fill. “Jeez, I have nothing with the biggest ball of twine in Minnesota on it? This is intolerable.”