You know you're a Postcrosser when

If you have to go outside for some reason - and postpone it because you think: “Oh, that’s a good opportunity to draw an adress and write a card before”, so you can combine whatever important thing you intended to do with taking a card to the mailbox. :smile: :postbox:


Amusingly, I sometimes sort of invert this: there’s some out-of-the-house chore which I really don’t feel like doing … but if I were to go out, I could also swing by the post office to mail a few cards and maybe restock stamps. Hmmmmm … tempting … :thinking:


When it’s extremely windy and rainy and you go outside to rescue the postcards the mailwoman just delivered before they can get wet.


… when you do a little midnight walk to take your cards safely to the mailbox before the heavy storm is coming … have a calm night or day!


When you don’t know what is week number, date or even if it’s day or night but you know if it’s mail delivery day or not :laughing: (in my hometown day mail is delivered on mondays, wednesdays and fridays on every other week and on tuesdays and thursdays on other weeks.)


When your coffee is getting cold because you register cards …

It took only 3 official cards to have my coffee - too hot to drink in the beginning - cool down to almost iced coffee :grin:


When you meet your mail carrier, who has both hands full of letters and other items. He’s giving you three postcards - and instead saying “thank you”, you answer: “And what about all the other letters & cards?” - before you think of course (and you honestly believe that there must be more post for you). :grin: :blush: :innocent: And when he’s shaking his head and reading the other adresses to you, you look over his shoulder, trying to control … ( :scream: ) Well, then finally you start realizing, what you’re doing, laughing about yourself and say thank you and wish him a happy day …


… you meet someone who asks you why you write postcards, since an Email would be much faster, and you’re so horrified, you just stare at that person, completely lost for words… :rofl::rofl::joy:


Once I hadn’t received mail for a long time, 3 weeks, and I went to the post office to ask for my postcards to be delivered. The lady who attended to me, she wasn’t the usual person, told me: and how do you know that you have undelivered mail? I just smiled :woman_shrugging:


You have a headache but you go to postoffice just from the college in afternoon and reach there and see that person at philately bureau is on leave, and get home fully tired with few stamps, and many of your supposed works/activities didn’t get successfully completed:(
But let’s hope onto another day with another postive vibe to go to postoffice again :love_letter:


Same problem happed with me, and i told the person that I’m a postcrosser and explained a bit, and Stated I had received many mails in previous months but nothing in two months, and what was the outcome? I received 100+ mails (which was undelivered for 2 months in just one week) that was just surprising :slightly_smiling_face:


So I decided to go to Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro for my summer vacation this year. One of the first things I researched was the number of postcrossing members in these countries. :joy:
So now I know I absolutely have to use travel mode in Montenegro, they have less than 100 members and it’s probably less popular with tourists than Croatia. Works perfectly for me, I plan on spending the most time there. We’ll see if I find the time to send from the other two countries.


When I receive every postcard not only my but also receive postcards from my neighbors and the apartment building next door ( I guess I’m the only one who receives postcards on regular basis on my street ) If you ask what I do with the postcards that are not for me . I put them to the right owner and if it’s a person next door I try to sneak somehow into the apartment ( since I don’t have a key ) to manage to go to the mail box and leave it there .
The most shocking things was when I received a weeding invitation but it was for my neighbors ( this time I went and gave it to them in person since I know they are already home and collected the mail )


You know you’re a postcrosser when… Your postal worker tells you hat he sorts the mail. And that there is 1 kind of mail for which he does not have to look at the address. He immediately sees from the outside that that mail is for me, because it is always cheerfully decorated, full of writing, colorful etc. He knows: in this village there is only 1 address where this kind of mail goes!.


Hope you catch profiles that like WHS or Maps - both was available some years ago. Sadly, I can’t remember if the catsmuseum in (whs) Kotor did sell cards (I have none, so that might be a sign towards no).
Anyway, have fun.

Ykyapw (or Ykyaapw?) when you are very happy that this wonderful thread is featured on the mainpage


In my case, I know I am a postcrosser when the undelivered letter / postcard returns to me even though my address is not on it. How in the world did the US post know?!
They return in to the sending country, and then, based on the stamp and data on it the card returns to my post office, and only then the mailman remembers me (my cards are specific, always written in neon pink waterproof fountain pen ink, so no elements can hurt the written).


I have a lot of internation friends I know from gaming communities and you know you’re a Postcrosser when they ask me how to send a postcard from their country!


I know that I am a Postcrosser every waking hour! :laughing:

But earlier this week I went to get some Edition Tausendschön cards for some special exchanges and intended to buy some more for postcard pals (that I all know from Postcrossing) and one of my penpals.

And I ended up buying so many, that I got 4 additional ones for free! :astonished:

I also know I am a Postcrosser every time my heart overflows, when I think about fabulous cards, gorgeous stamps and beautiful decorations. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I know that I’m postcrosser when i know postcards pricing better than post workers :rofl:


This one from the mainpage did make me lol, so I hope @Karl_Pen does not mind when I’m quoting him:

You know you’re postcrosser when… you are selecting 20 of the same postcard and the clerk says, “You know we have more than just one card, right?!?”

And you laugh… before moving on to other cards. $$$