You know you're a Postcrosser when

You read a wonderfully funny poem about stamps, and your very first thought is to share it with your friends on Postcrossing :blush:


can totally feel it.

this is so cool!

Thank you a lot, because

  • I had to literally lol
  • that is soooo me (the least with stamps, but with notes and cards and lottery tickets and keys and vouchers and …)
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When you can’ t sleep at night because you drew an address and you know you have the perfect card (which you just bought last week) but you cannot find it anywheeeereeee ( it’ s 1.30 a.m…)


When your partner starts a new hobby, building models and you ask him if he could build miniature mailboxes and mail delivery trucks. :rofl:


Oh, I have one more!
I was in charge of big conference. The whole process was disturbing, I was nervous. The night before the event I couldn’t sleep, started to think if everything is ok, what if I miss something (I was responsible for everything starting from the communication with participants to the furniture arrangements :woman_facepalming:t3::laughing:)? Then a thought blinked in my brain: I did miss, something’s wrong.
“My Christmas robin cards!!!” I had several cards left and I forgot to sign and send them because of work. So…
There was me, sitting in the pile of cards, washis, glittery stickers at 3 a.m. praying to postal gods to deliver all this before the holiday. For the whole three hours I stopped thinking about work))


You’re on the ball about postal increases :face_with_peeking_eye:


When you choose café for a meeting and your choice parameters include: ‘do they have free ad cards inside?’


You know you’re a postcrosser when anytime you walk into a gift shop you see if they have postcards lol.


Ohh I know that feeling have bought four sets of cards but am loathe to beak them up now.

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… When you eventually know

  • UAE, QATAR, Jamaica, Bahamas, Belize, Fiji, Central African Republic, Rwanda, Guyana, Gambia, Tuvalu, … don’t have Postal codes.
  • and Some have only one postcode for the entire country/territory:
    • Gibraltar - GX11 1AA
    • Christmas Island - 6798
    • Vatican - 00120
    • Macao - 999078
  • Gabon has 2 numbers, and Iceland, Bahrain, Madagascar, Oman, … have 3 number postcodes
  • Some places have two postcodes like Germany’s/swiss exclave/enclave Büsingen to forward mail easily
  • There is one Remote encoding facility in Utah that decodes all US unreadable addresses by USPS
  • You can mail message on Potato or Bricks or coconut in US
  • 29 cent Pluto: Not yet explored stamp is the farthest travelled one in New Horizons.
  • Universal Postal Union (UPU) under the United Nations coordinates postal policies; terminal dues for postal carriers to remunerate other countries’ carriers were implemented in 1971 and are now based on country-tiered groups from development indexes.

As far as I know, Hong Kong too!

I don’t know if it is the most appropriate place but I think so. True story. At the airport I go through hand luggage control and they call me. Could I open the suitcase? I see something big square here. Yes, they are postcards. He looks at me with a face of understanding: ah, postcards, but so many? yes all postcards. Do I open it? no, actually it’s not necessary anymore :woman_shrugging: I felt tremendously postcrosser


When the Postal Clerk at my post office wants to wish my fellow post crossers Merry Christmas!!


Ykyapw …
… you write your third card of the day, and you wonder why the postal code is so familiar. Then you check and realize: the card goes to the same village your first card of the day goes too.

Note1: apparently the postal code was a combination I did remember for a few hours, more than the village’s name
Note2: okay, there are about 10k inhabitants in that area. Still it’s a cool coincidence that I’m sending two cards there on the same day.
Note3: resp. coinc2: I’ve sent to one user three years ago, but the card got lost. I hope for the best this time

Merry postcrossing y’all


Ah yes!! Lol

Before making your morning coffee you check Postcrossing site!


As late as that? :smile:



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