Wrote my first 5 postcards for the site!

Congrats and welcome to Postcrossing! I’m sure the first two months will be a rather arduous wait, since you need to wait for the postcards to arrive and also for others to send you one, especially since the postal systems around the world are a little slower now. It’ll pick up! :smile:

I don’t have any penpals from Postcrossing, as I am too busy to maintain a proper penpal relationship. I do try to write as much as I can on the postcard I send out though.

Enjoy your Postcrossing journey! :grin:

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One good thing about being on disability and currently not in college is I can sit and write letters and cards all day sometimes.

Hi @PleiadianDragon — welcome to Postcrossing! :wave:

There’s no deadline per se, but it is requested that you send it as soon as you can — this is because the other postcrosser is waiting on you to get their postcard, and nobody likes to wait! :slight_smile: If you haven’t yet, please have a look through the Community Guidelines where this is mentioned.

This topic is changing into other themes, so I’m moving into the postcard chat section.

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