Writing to Buckingham Palace?

:crown: With the passing of HM Elizabeth II, I learned that anyone can write to His Majesty The King at Buckingham Palace.
I decided to do it because it’s not all the time that one has a reason to write to Buckingham Palace. :mailbox_with_mail:
I did like the Queen and wanted to express my condolences plus, quickly narrate on how my U.S. state of Hawaii, had former ties to the Monarchy of UK.
Cheers everyone :tada:


I wrote a letter to Her Majesty the queen on July in registered way. Unfortunately, they send my letter by surface mail way(by boat), and it still hasn’t arrived yet.I wonder how they will deal with the letter after it arrives in the UK.

This is only my speculation but, I assume that most people who write to Buckingham Palace won’t get a reply back due to the high volume of incoming mail that B.P. receives especially now since HM Elizabeth II died last month. Most likely, staff of B.P. will review your letter then put it with the other pieces of mail they receive. From China, why would you mail an international letter by surface mail?? Couldn’t you do regular global airmail?

@Donald Most do get a reply. Your letter will likely be looked and depending on what you write will get a typed and printed standard letter from a secretary thanking you in the monarch’s name. Very rarely does the monarch actually write back but it comes from Charles R with no signature.

@Northshoreguy44 In some countries, for international mail, there is both a surface and air mail rate. Usually, surface mail is cheaper than air.

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@princeofasturias Well, if most get a reply, does that apply to mainly domestic mail or international too? I sent 2 pieces of mail, the 2nd one I wrote my message a bit more properly after reading sites about how to write B.P.
Crossing my fingers, I hope that I get something from B.P. that would be a keepsake, I’d treasure forever. A basic print letter would be enough for me.
Have you ever written to B.P. and when did you get mail back??

I heard that this is similar if one writes the White House.

I think within USPS, for international, they only do airmail with things like letters/cards.

I did twice in the last few years and always got a reply (first one took about three weeks, the second one — after the death of The Duke of Edinburgh — took much longer).


@duck2006 Nice. I sure do hope that I get a reply. I’d be thrilled.
I had sent 2 cards, the 1st one, I felt that I didn’t properly write it, so after realizing this, I decided to write the 2nd more properly.
Whichever, I hope that I get something. I can imagine since Elizabeth II’s death, that the staff of B.P. have received thousands of letters. (I live in USA so, I hope that they send internationally.)
I’m keeping my fingers crossed!

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@Northshoreguy44 I used to write to HM The Queen every summer/autumn whilst she was in residence at Balmoral Castle to wish her a pleasant stay. I would create a greetings card using my own photos taken at Balmoral. I have always received a reply from Her Majesty’s Lady-in-Waiting, either from Balmoral or Windsor Castle.
Balmoral is a wonderful place to visit for the public.
I only sent this year’s greeting card a few days before Her Majesty died, so I don’t know what the protocol is in that situation. I am sure you will receive a reply at some point and yes they will reply internationally. I think you’re right about the volume of mail that will have been sent over the last few weeks.
Best wishes and Happy Postrcrossing!

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@redrugby Boy I hope that I get a card, I’d treasure it for sure.
That’s quite neat that you got often a reply.
After seeing the funeral I’m inspired to visit Windsor someday. It looks like such a quaint place.
I can imagine that Balmoral is nice too.

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