Write a Thank You note to a D-Day veteran via THLAS

Hi everyone

The amazing Dinah at The Handwritten Letter Appreciation Society (THLAS) is organising a Thank You Card drop to a couple of surviving veterans to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings:

I’ll quote Dinah re the instructions but she’s hoping for 80 cards, one for each year since 1944 :

"Would anyone like to join me in sending a thank you card to show them that what they and their friends went through for us on that fateful day is very much remembered and appreciated? I thought it would be lovely if we could get at least 80 thank you cards for them for D-Day 80. It’s just to let them know how grateful we still are. I would love to show them that we still care, and really it could be a mark of thanks to all the D-Day and WW2 veterans still with us, and especially to all those who died that day.

We can never really imagine what it must’ve been like on that day but it always feels poignant to remember it, made more so when everywhere looks so lovely in late spring.

If you would like to, please send cards by 6th June 2024 to:

The D-Day 80 Thank You Card Drop
C/O The Handwritten Letter Appreciation Society
PO Box 9347
BH19 9BG

*if sending from outside the UK.

They can be written to Peter or Cliff or to “Dear D-Day Veteran” to recognise all the surviving D-Day veterans around the world".


This is ahh-mazing! I will definitely send a card. :heart:

Taken from a THLAS X / Twitter post, here are the two veterans Dinah is collecting cards for:

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Great idea ! I sent a DDay Normandy card :heart:


Thank you :slight_smile:

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Thanks to everyone who has sent a card.

Dinah has updated that she is currently at 66 cards received… Her aim is 80, one for each year of the anniversary. So if anyone has chance there’s still time!

I will but not sure it will get there on time.

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Done for both

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