WPD - BRAZIL - 5th Curitiba Meetup - 28th of October 2023

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Curitiba, PR
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Space Cat Café, address
:calendar: DATE: 28/10/2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 15:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: We are glad to organize the 5th Meetup at Curitiba :smiley:

Halloween - Dia das Bruxas :ghost:

Some activities:
Postcard sign (prepare your stamp, sticker or handwrite);
Postcard swap;
Postcard Garage Sale Box (caixa do desapego)

We will not have a specific postcard made for the event, but we will use thematic ones from @carameljuniper :smiley: (it is just a suggestion, fell free to bring any postcard) :

Poke Halloween

Poke Halloween #2

Postal Bruxinha

Postal Saci Pererê

Just click on the links to buy your postcard.

We will have the “Postcard Garage Sale Box”, more likely a Let Go of Postcards you don’t have more interest, get new ones or swap in the box.

Teremos a caixa de Desapego Postal, aquele postal que você não gosta ou tem muitos repetidos, pode levar para colocar na caixa. Pode só colocar, só pegar, trocar… a única regra é o bom senso :smiley:

Levem os postais que vocês gostariam de desapegar, outra pessoa pode gostar deles.

Por favor confirmem a presença clicando no botão GOING no topo dessa postagem :slight_smile:

A escolha do postal fica a critério de cada um, podemos usar os acima ou qualquer outro!


:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.


Hi ^^

unfortunately I’m not in Brasil but really love the 2 Pokemon Halloween cards. Maybe we can swap for them? Would really love to :heart: Can send you in return some bunch of blank cards for your “garage sales postcard box” - but not sure if they can reach you in time or postcards from meet-ups I visited before or cards from upcomming meet-ups. my next 2 will be in november and december. Or anything from your wishes.

Thanks a lot for reading ^^

Have a lot of fun at the meet-up.


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Hello!! We can swap those cards!

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Hello! I would like to swap, please. The card with girl in black dress

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