Would you all like it if I did a lottery for this postcard?

This is my newest design. It’s a digitally stylized photograph of mine that I took while I was on vacation, many years ago, in Panama. I’m going to order some of these. Who, if anyone, would be interested in winning one of these postcards?


#1 @mkteng79

Nice design.

Thank you for your lottery



This isn’t a lottery. I am just trying to find out if people would like me to have a lottery for this card when I order some of them. I like flowers but I’m trying to figure out if other people like them enough for me to do a lottery for this postcard. I take it you like flower postcards too?

Corinne :grinning:


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Thank you, Julia1968. I was just now looking through more of my flower photographs from that trip to Panama to see which ones might be good candidates for future postcard designs. I love digitally stylizing my photographs. It always takes several hours, but doing that is my “happy place”.



I noticed your post, and i wish to say, that was a beautiful attempt to give life to your photos.

It would be great as a postcard, so does your travel photos.

Keep stylising them, enjoy those happy moments, share them with the world if you feel it.


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I moved this topic to here, because #games-activities:lotteries is not made for talk topics, only for lotteries.

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Flowers also very beautiful :tulip: I like flowers much and nice photos sure can become very nice cards . You are very talented, I saw your different cards , everything you do will become great card , sure ! :blush:

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Beautiful card :heart_eyes:

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I love how the colors are so vibrant and the composition is very eye-catching. I would definitely be interested in winning one of those postcards. Panama is a place I’ve always wanted to visit, so having a little piece of it in my mailbox would be amazing.

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Thanks, Bille.

What a pretty flower :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hibiscus:
You can never go wrong with flower cards in my opinion :hugs:

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Well of course !

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