World’s most remote post office is hiring. Penguin counting required

I came across this in the news - an article in the Washington Post 23 April 2022 by reporter Sydney Page about a post office job opening - “the position is based in Antarctica. Running water not included”.

Here is the link to read the article (in English) and view the photos:

Below is an excerpt from the article:

Hundreds of people around the world are applying for a coveted job to run the world’s most remote post office. The position is based in Antarctica, and one of the key specifications is the ability to count penguins.

Four candidates will be chosen to fill the five-month role at Port Lockroy — affectionally dubbed the “Penguin Post Office.” The nearly-80-year-old British-owned building is on Goudier Island, which is about the size of a football field and is populated by hundreds of penguins.

The post office doubles as a museum and is managed by the U.K. Antarctic Heritage Trust. Each year, the British charity hires four postmasters to live on the island from November to March.

Although employees each have unique roles, they are collectively responsible for maintaining the historic site and catering to the thousands of tourists who come by boat during the season. The staff is also in charge of wildlife monitoring — which includes tallying penguins — and environmental data collection.

Applicants are warned it’s not a glamorous job. Employees must live without running water, Internet or cellphone service for five months. The team resides together in a small lodge, where they sleep in bunk beds and share a single bathroom and camping toilet. Visiting ships will offer showers when they stop by…

Enjoy and good luck to those who will apply!


It would make for an interesting resumé, but no thanks. I like indoor plumbing and daily showers…

They have a Q&A on their blog with the staff, answering a few interesting questions with the team there:

Sounds like a really interesting place and experience… even without the showers! :slight_smile:


What a COOL job experience indeed. I would love to try. I can do with thise simple living conditions - BUT no internet and cell phone for full 5 months?? No way. That means you have no regular contact to your friends and family. For 1 month, okay, but 5? :pensive: