World Postcard Day: saving slots

All my traveling slots on the main site are full, but WPD is coming! So I’ve decided that I’ll start saving my slots from the beginning of September, since Italian mail is slow. That way I’m sure I’ll be able to send at least a couple of postcards on October 1st.

Have you already started saving up some slots? And how many are you going to save?


Not yet.

Postcrossing only allow me to send to 10 countries. Usually I get Japan, Singapore, USA, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Mail to Japan and Singapore is fast. USA is also good, less than 1 month.

I will save my slot in the mid of September.

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I currently have no slots available, but I’m planning on saving 1 or 2 for October 1st. Half of my travelling postcards are going to Europe, so I’m hoping that they won’t take too long to arrive and free some slots until then :smile:


I will save slots from mid-September onward. That should free up about 6 or so for me.

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Could you translate this to English please? Other languages than English are permitted in Language & Geographical Communities and Meetups.

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No, I am sure that some of my slots are free then.

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I think I will just skip my card sending day a week before and that should be enough. Good thing about having only one card sending day each week is that I have pretty good idea of how many slots I will have available. Although, I have been lately bit down with Postcrossing so there are plenty of slots available for me right now and this might go on for a while.

What I think is even more important, is to be active with registering cards on the week before the big day. Usually I register weekly but when World Postcard Day is coming I will register daily and make sure the mention the big day on the thank you message in case the sender wasn’t aware. I hope I managed to save somebody’s day with that last year :slight_smile: