World Postcard Day Postmarks/Cancellations

Hi everyone! I asked today at our local Post Office branch, and the Main Post Office here in Franklin, TN to ask if they would have a special postmark/cancellation for World Postcard Day on October 1 - at both places they looked at me as if I was speaking Martian… Do any of your post office locations plan to offer a special cancellation? If so, did you have to request one?

you can request a special pictorial postmark - but must find a post office who be willing to sponsor it. it helps when it a smaller post office and friends with the employees. the post office must find someone in the office to do the stamping of the postmark, along with manning the table during postal hours. this is the problem as the post office does not pay overtime for its employees and trying to find an postal employee at that PO to do this on their time (no pay or overtime) is very rare. another problem is that you must apply for the pictorial postmark at least 10 weeks in advance.
the 6th SW meetup will be issuing a special pictorial postmark for the event. you can go to the usa meetup forum and find it. good luck if you can get one done before october 1st. any more questions, just dm me.

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Your special postmark is actually what I was thinking of when I asked the question! It seems I may be too late to get one for this year, but I can try campaigning for next year. Thank you @samquito !

glad that you got information about that. now, just make friends with postal employees at the post office which you think might sponsor the postmark. remember that there need to be a event around postmark. we are having a meetup - an event. then, apply for the pictorial postmark months in advance. the first time i did this, it was turn down about 3 times before it was approved - was good that i applied 8 months in advance. then, as our beloved postmaster general dejoy has stop overtime pay, good luck finding someone at the post office willing to volunteer their time to man the table at the event. (i don’t think there will be as many pictorial postmark in the future if the post office does not see a profit from the event). i wonder if there is a way just to have a pictorial postmark without involving an event. maybe you can inquire at your post office. here is a link of pictorial postmarks from the latest postal bulletin:
never to early to start planning and you are successful for next year. oh, you local post office should have in their files the official way to apply for a pictorial postmark. ask them for a copy.
good luck and enjoy the weekend.

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