World Postcard Day New Design 2023

I’m so glad there is a new postcard design and winner I love it. I know so many of us were completely confused :thinking: about how the first one could have possibly gotten through and on top of that have chosen as the winner. It was the oddest thing. I thought I was on an alternative universe :crazy_face: when it was announced.

This new card should have been the winner in the first place it is absolutely stunning and seems more in alignment with the quality and standards that we’ve come to expect from the artists and to be chosen by the team.
Thank God. Geez.
On a side note.
I’d love to see some diversity on the judging panel next year as well. That’s my two sense. Thank you to the winning artist. I look forward to having some cards printed with the new design :pray:t3::pray:t5::pray::pray:t6::pray:t2::pray:t4:


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