World Postcard Day Meetup 1 Oct. 2022 in Renton, Washington

I plan on coming and bringing a prospective post crosser!! I plan on trading mystery envelopes!
If not to late I would love 5 of Keeks meet up cards! Thanks Kay for organizing!!!

Hello can we swap

Great to meet you there, Karen.

Hi Karen,

I have five I can share! After that though there’s not much to share. :relaxed:


I’m definitely down for a five-card mystery swap!

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I’ll put it on my calendar and try to make it!

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FYI- there are no longer any Postcrossing Meet-up Cards available.

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Hello, all! I have never been to a meet-up and would love to meet some other Postcrossers! Can anyone join your meet-up? If so, please count me in! Also, what should I bring with me?

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Hello Sarah!!
We are so glad you are coming! Bring yourself firstly, postcards you’d like to send for others to sign, a mystery pack of cards if you want to (see above messages for reference and I have many extras I’d you’d just want some), and a mind for adventure and mingling in a group of like-minds!

We are a chill, although enthusiastic bunch, and will be more than happy to welcome and help you for your first meetup. Just show up!


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I am trying to come to this. Seachange

That would be great! You are most welcome to help us celebrate postcards! :grin::confetti_ball::mailbox:

I’m planning to attend!! My first ever meet up!!

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Exciting! Looking forward to meeting you. :grin::mailbox:

I’m from Renton but live in California, anyone graduate from Lindbergh?

I would love a Renton card, will trade for something from California.


I’m so sad I can’t make it. :frowning: I just had surgery on Thursday and don’t think an hour drive is appropriate at this point. I hope y’all have so much fun and I how lots of trading, exchanging, and signing happens.

:peace_symbol: :heart: :love_letter:


Would love to see the pics from today if they’ll be posted somewhere? Or email to
Thanks so much!! Had a blast!

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Pictures would be so fun to see! I didn’t take any this time around!

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HELLO Keeks! I am very interested in your PC meetup poctcard ,I have some PC meetup poctcard about China.I want to exchange postcard with you!!!

Hello :slight_smile: I’d like to ask if is possible to swap this card from meeting?

Thank you for your interest but there are no cards left from this meetup.
Take care,