World postcard day explanation

Personally it’s not that much of a big deal for me - sure, would love to have the Oct 1 postmark but it’s a Sunday so…

Besides, there is another special day in October to celebrate, Oct 9 is World Post Day :wink:

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So glad I saw this post. I wasn’t sure if I drew the address the day before and sent out oct 1st. I’m new here June of this year

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Here’s a hypothetical question. I sent eight postcards on World Postcard Day, and they are all still traveling. If for some reason none of them arrive, will I get the WPD badge after they expire?

Unfortunately no, the badge is given upon successful registration of the card, so if no cards arrive, they can’t be registered and you won’t get the badge

Okay, thank you. Crossing my fingers they all make it!

Cross your fingers that just one of them makes it! :smile: That’s all you need for the badge. (Though I hope for you that all the others do too.)

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Well, it’s been 22 days and none of my eight cards have been registered, even the two traveling within my own country. I contacted the post office through which they were mailed, and they can’t help me because I don’t have a tracking number. So I would have to say my first World Postcard Day experience has been a pretty disappointing one.

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@Acorny Ahhhhh sweet pea, I sense good things are right around the corner for you, I see them touring and when tired they will find their keepers…chin up…
You are not alone


Not to worry, have hope. I had the same situation with my U.S. postcards mailed on WPD. Of the 10 postcards I mailed on WPD, 2 were for U.S. postcrossers. Five have since been registered. I thought for sure my 2 U.S. postcards would be registered first. One registered a couple of days ago but the second one is still traveling.

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Still waiting for the eight cards I sent on October 2 (celebrating World Postcard Day) to be registered. Is anyone else having the same experience?

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Have the receivers registered other cards?

Also I would look the box, if you left the mail there, that it is emptied.

And if you really want the badge, and these cards are all lost, I would re send one, to get the badge, and hope rest are received later. (But I would still wait some time, maybe there is some reason and it’s just slower than normal.)


I dropped them off at the post office so I can’t look in the box. Yes, the recipients have registered other postcards, and postcards I sent to others after that have been registered. Good idea to try sending a second postcard to one of the eight—thank you for the suggestion! :blush:

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