World 🌍 Postcard Day 2022 (Group Order)

If I buy one type, cards will be .57/card before cost to ship to you. If I buy matte and glossy, cards will be .84/card.

I’d like to participate with 10 cards. Glossy is preferred but matte okay if that is the only option.

Thank you for taking this on!

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Thank you @beatriceh. I appreciate your reaching out.
@Stinkypaw is putting together orders in the Canadian Edition RR. Orders must be put in by August 19th, so I will get them through a Canadian Postcrosser to save you the cross border mail.

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Hi, either one is fine, So whatever the majority decides… if you end up ordering both I would choose half and half if possible. Thanks!

Thank you for doing the leg work, and I appreciate you reaching out to check on preferences. However, I’ve placed an order through a Canadian Postcrosser (mentioned below on the thread) to save on the cross-border costs. All the best with the printing process.

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I’d like 10 postcards, please! I prefer glossy, but I’m fine with matte too if it’s easier/cheaper. Thanks!

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Hi Everyone. I’m going to place an order for matte and glossy. Please place your order by 8:00am EST Saturday, August 20th. At that time, I will place an order based on everyone’s requests. Thanks!

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I would very much like to get some (I’m in Canada), but dont know how to order them. Where are they made? How can i see them?

I would like 4 glossy and 4 matte for a total of 8

How do you want to arrange payment? Or will you just post it all on this thread instead of answering individually, so time consuming for you!

Thanks so much for taking this on!!

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Payment is usually through Venmo or PayPal and I just message everyone individually to ask which they would prefer (and any other questions).

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Last day to put in or edit your order for world postcard day cards. Feel free to PM me if interested.

Probably a little early to ask, not so you have a rough i sea of shipping costs? Trying to calculate how much I want to spend haha

Unless you want them sent a different way, I’m just going to send them regular mail. I can probably get 10 in a large envelope for $2 or so.

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I’d love to have about 10-15 cards. I prefer matte, but can take glossy as well. Thanks for organizing this!

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That’s perfect. 10 matte, if we’re choosing. Otherwise whatever finish you want to order is fine by me!

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We’re choosing!

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Order placed! Total came to .71/card roughly (If you ordered 10 cards, your total would be 7.13 before postage). Estimated arrival is September 1st.


Thank you!

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@beatriceh, let me know if you end up with any extras, I would love to buy some.

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Cards are in! I’ll be contacting everyone for addresses and payment soon.