Why can't we change the order of our Favorites?

I treat my Favorites wall as a small art collection, and because certain cards look better together, I would really like the option to easily edit the order in which the cards are displayed.
As it is now, I can “un-favorite” and “re-favorite” cards to get a certain order. but this is a total hassle.

I know it probably wouldn’t be a super easy thing to change, but other than that, I see no reason to not give us this option.

What do you think? anyone else who would like the option to better curate their favorites wall?


Earlier, I would also have loved this feature. However, as I now got so many favorites and keep hoarding even more (!) I wouldn’t probably re-arrange the pages even if it was possible. :laughing: Also, I think they mostly look quite good together since I have certain preferred aesthetics. But I see why some would like this.

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I’ve raised some similar topic on the old forum.
I’d like to have a much more friendly way to organize favorites rather un- / favoriting. Also un- / favoriting could be annoying as the sender could receive a lot of letters about this.

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I wish there was a way to better sort my favourites, too. I’m sure I have some duplicates in there and would like an easy way to find them or - even better - avoid them. The same goes for cards I want to “unfavourite” because someone sent them to me.
Moreover I’d like to have two types of favourites: A) cards I really like and would be happy to recieve but haven’t recieved myself yet and B) cards I have recieved and want to highlight specifically but don’t want/need being send to me again.
But I’m sure that’s just too much of a hassle and will never happen :smile: