Why cant I edit my post

I went on the a post I made and need to edit the title but I cant edit anything. It says that ive created the post but won’t let me edit. Any ideas?

This post will let me edit and I’ve logged out multiple times

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Are you new to the forum? I had the same issue at first! After a certain amount of activity, you will get the authority to edit your posts. If you flag your post, you can put in a message to have it changed by a moderator. Hope this helps!

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Hi, that’s because of your user level. You need to visit the forum on 6 more days (not necessarily consecutive) until you will be level “member”. Then there’s no time restriction any more when editing your own topics will be blocked. At the moment you can edit your own posts/ topics, but after a while the editing feature is blocked by the system.

Until then you could let me know what you’d like to be changed and I (or one of the other moderators) could help you.