Which USA State Design do you prefer?

UPDATE (18 Jan 2021): At the suggestion of a few people, I’ve decided to turn this into a poll. If you’ve already commented, please do me the favor of responding to the poll, too. Thanks!

I am almost out of my state postcards and need to purchase more, but I want to purchase cards that most people will enjoy. Which of the below six (6) state cards appeals to you most?

Which USA State card design do you prefer?

0 voters


type 3 is really great!!

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I like type 5 and 6 the most, but in all honesty I would be happy to receive any of these.

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They are all good, but most of all I like number 3 and 2.

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I like 1, 3 and 5. Mainly 3 and 5 because I love birds.

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I like the number 3 the most :slight_smile:

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I like 5 and 6 the most.

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I like number 1 and 5=)

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I like number 5 the most.

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2, 5 and 6, but I’d be happy to receive any of them :slight_smile:

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The ones I like the most are 3 (nice design + information), 5 (so beautiful!) and 6 (really neat design) :slightly_smiling_face:

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6, because I like fortresses.

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All are great but to me 1 and 6 are the best


I prefer number 6 :slight_smile:

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Number 3 is the one I collect :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I like 2 and 5

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3 and 5

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2 and 3 are lovely

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6, 1, 3… in this order :grin:

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They are all beautiful.

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