Where to get cards and stamps in Karlovy Vary or Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic

Hi, crossing the Czech Republic on our way to Berlin from Bavaria by bike.
As I regard myself addicted to postcrossing, I’d like to send two or three cards in travel mode.
But don’t want to draw adresses, if I’m not able to send. So, I’d like to just get cards and stamps, draw adresses and write while having a coffee…
Also Czech cards are so nice, maybe I could buy some to take home. Any information about these two towns?
All my bests from still Bavaria, cycling over the border tomorrow morning :kissing_closed_eyes:


As much I can suggest (never been to those cities), I suggest going to information centers (links are to the touristic map). They will have reasonable priced postcards and quite a variety I think. Also they will speak German or English.
Marianske Lazne – Mapy.cz; opened daily between 9 am to 6 pm, with small lunch break. I don’t know if they have stamps; but if not, go to nearest post office and ask for E or Z stamps (E for Europe incl. Russia and Turkey (whole), Z is for the rest of the World.) Other way is just bringing them to the counter and they will make all the stamps issue for you.

Karlovy Vary – https://de.mapy.cz/s/jebusered; opened daily between 8 am to 6 pm with again small lunch break. The sending part is very same.

Many stationery shops will have postcards too, however I am not that sure if you will be lucky to speak with people there. And well, I have no idea where “papírnictví” are there.


I was in Karlovy Vary last autumn and every tourist kiosk had a bunch of postcards, so it wasn’t a problem at all to find any.
there were a lot of shops right in the center and also there were super nice cards in the tourist information center.


Good luck for the whole trip! :smiley::biking_man::+1:

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Thanks for your answers - sounds easily doable.
So, I’ll hope for good weather tomorrow (today there was an awful wind for climbing uphill from the Danube to the mountains), that we’ll have time for an extended coffee and writing.
“Luckily”, I just have two open slots :sweat_smile: