Where do we find our postcards?

Well that just cost me - nice to find some with images relevant to the local area though


We can both blame @Maddymail . I ended up buying 7 different local scenes, mainly old travel poster art, and I really love the images. I’ve already sent postcards out and they’ve been well received.


Going to have myself a trip to St Albans one day to go the Oxfam bookshop ! Thanks for the tips


Westminster Abbey Online Shop has two postcards with pictures from the coronation, and one set in commemoration of “Chazza”. Here’s some links:

Anyone know of other postcards for sale with pictures from the coronation?


I ordered some off Zazzle but I wouldn’t recommend it as they haven’t even arrived.
I should have waited until someone posted a helpful online shop like this one (thanks @sandhurst ) as in the meantime I haven’t drawn a single address that wanted royalty!

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I did consider getting some printed, but haven’t heard great things :confused:

I found these on Facebook Marketplace.
322 unwritten postcards, perhaps 80 or so written ones which I chucked. Mostly British Isles with some others in.
So far:
1 sent off an an official
21 Ukraine put in a lottery (now closed)
The Scottish ones sent to my friend who has recently moved there
And still loads to go! I’ve sorted into rough geographical order. Some are quite dated and a few are a little damaged, but if anyone has any specific requests I’m happy to have a rummage!


Can anyone recommend places for non-tourist postcards in Edinburgh? I’m heading up there for a few days and am hopeful for a nice stationery shop or two.

I’m happy sending tourist cards from Wales - but we seem to be devoid of the other types of cards that people ask for - cartoons, cats and dogs - that sort of thing.

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Hi @xxxxyyyyzzzz :blossom: I posted about some Edinburgh postcard possibilities a while back - here’s my post from early 2022: Where do we find our postcards? - #175 by katiemmj

(Hopefully this takes you to an earlier post on this thread?) I have to add the caveat that I haven’t been in Edinburgh for a little while now and last I checked it seems like the nice little independent shops of Victoria Street are steadily being replaced by endless Harry Potter shops instead, but maybe they have cards if that is of interest!

Hope you have a wonderful trip!


Ooh, thank you @katiemmj
I like the sound of Victoria Street, even if it has turned Harry Potter ish and was planning trips to the museums etc
I haven’t visited Edinburgh since i was a teenager, so i hope i haven’t lost my sense of direction.

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It’s a really lovely cobbled street, definitely worth a wander down 🩵 so many lovely streets and places to see!

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The recently reopened National Portrait Gallery in London has a grand selection of portrait postcards.


Thought this was funny, and rather unique: DVD postcards for sale in a Porthmadog charity shop of the Ffestiniog Railway.


Is the DVD attached to the front of the postcard? If so, I wonder how it would survive a trip through the postal system?!


It is! I don’t fancy its chances really.

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Ahead of getting my paws on some Paddington Bear postage stamps, I stopped off at the Paddington Bear Shop in the railway station he’s named after to pick up a pack of these postcards :bear:


I have been getting some very nice postcards from Temu lately

Eeeek they are so cute :face_holding_back_tears:


Just spotted Oxfam sending out free postcards and a poster as part of a Second Hand September campaign

Link here


I like to buy postcards on the Chinese online shopping app,or buying postcards while travelino.I prefer postcards of scenery and so on, so when I travel to various places, I will stamp the postcards,those seals are really beautiful😍
I’m in China now. Does anyone want to exchange postcards with me?(I want to receive postcards from England, especially about football.My favorite team is Liverpool)