When do you start sending out Christmas cards?

last year I was still receiving quite a few cards in February and March! I hope the postal system is better situated this year for xmas. I work as a rural carrier and people are already starting to order in their items and we have noticed the increase. Hopefully people won’t rely on Amazon’s next day policy to get their things in late december!! haha I would love to go home early on dec 24th. :slight_smile:

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I’ll start to send postcards this week, because I want everyone receive them before Christmas.

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I saw this inexplicable truck once, and thought, I would absolutely use that service:

Fred Eventually: It’ll Get There When It Gets There™


I started sending them in early October because many of my postcards are expiring.

Well, that turned out not to be true. I got a request from someone in Russia who particularly likes Christmas, and decided to go with it. And, honestly, as international post hasn’t exactly been very speedy of late, I figure she’s not likely to get it until well into December anyway. :grin:

I’m starting with sending Christmas cards Monday before 1st advent.

This will be the first time sending out Christmas cards to fellow postcrossing penpals. I’m going to try and get the overseas cards out at the start of December. anyone in the USA, maybe a 2 weeks before Christmas?