When can you send more postcards?

I am wondering when I will get to a point where I can send more postcards. Currently I have 12 out at a time and I have been a member since October of 2020, so it has been 15 months. I have sent out 166 postcards and received 162. Do they add another one you can send out at certain numbers?

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Here is a detailed explanation of how many postcards you can send:


If you have sent between 0 and 4 postcards, you can send 5 postcards.
If you have sent between 5 and 14 postcards, you can send 6 postcards.
If you have sent between 15 and 24 postcards, you can send 7 postcards.
If you have sent between 25 and 34 postcards, you can send 8 postcards.
If you have sent between 35 and 49 postcards, you can send 9 postcards.
If you have sent between 50 and 99 postcards, you can send 10 postcards.
If you have sent between 100 and 149 postcards, you can send 11 postcards.
If you have sent between 150 and 199 postcards, you can send 12 postcards.
… and so on, in increments of 1 postcard for each 50 you send.


Thank you so much for answering me. Now I know how this works.