What's your cue to buy more cards?

no, no, no. what i need to do is leave this topic :joy:


I buy postcard when there is discount in online shop :blush:


Far too often… :see_no_evil:

Since there is no good postcard shop in my town I have this urge to stock up on postcards whenever I see some that I like (or think postcrossers, friends etc. might like). It’s the same as with books - when I see some on display somewhere I automatically have to stop and have a look! :innocent:

Sometimes I buy them online, too, but I try not to visit these online shops too often - it is too risky and very bad for my budget…


It’s so hard to find different kinds of postcards in my town. So when I found interesting postcard ,quickly I buy it hahaha.
I wish I had the chance to find more varieties but I try my best to find and buy new cards. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I buy cards whenever I visit a museum or gallery, theatres too if they have a gift shop. That’s, in normal times, at least once a month and often more. I also browse around on places like Etsy for cards being sold by independent artists. If I’m running low then I occasionally bulk-buy on Amazon, but only if I’m down to less than 20 or so cards. I don’t want to keep a huge stock, because that just makes it too hard to decide which card to send to someone :slight_smile:


I also just buy postcards whenever I see something good, or whenever I’m on holiday somewhere in my own country, as I’ve pretty much bought all the different postcards you can get in Copenhagen. Great places online are etsy (love these) and redbubble (where you only pay for shipping once, even if you buy from many creators, as redbubble manufactures everything).

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Sometimes, if someone asks for a particular type of card, I buy some later. I don’t wait to send them one of the cards - I’ve never bought a card just to send to someone. I’ve got hundreds of cards ready to go and some bagged up under my bed. I really need no more!

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is there a topic where we can post photos of how we keep our outgoing postcards? this topic is making me very curious now.

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I’ve never bought postcards online before. And there are not many stores in my city that sell (nice) postcards. So I buy them anytime I see nice postcards. I also look often in thrift stores and at flea markets. I don’t only look for cards there, but when I do see a box with unused, sometimes vintage postcards… :heart_eyes:


I started postcrossing 1 month 1 day ago and haven’t then any single postcard, went to Post Office for my first 5. Today I have 68. If I will continue this way, after a year there will be 816 cards.


My cue to buy more cards seems to be saying to myself…“I don’t need to buy more cards, I’ll use the ones I have”. Then I go somewhere and …


Yes… I, too, know it’s time to buy more postcards anytime the wind picks up. :upside_down_face:

And I’m here to enable you all… :wind_face: :wind_face: :wind_face: :heavy_heart_exclamation:


My latest cue to buy more postcards was the Swiss government announcing that all non-essential shops were to be closed until the end of February. I was worried that the couple of thousand postcards I had in stock wouldn’t last… :laughing:


Thankfully the museum I was going to visit last week was closed or I would have brought more :rofl: Maybe it was a sign!

I buy postcards whenever I feel like it (at the moment I feel like it way to often).

I just ordered tons of cards at different online shops plus some postcard boxes with 100 cards on Amazon.

Otherwise I buy cards for example when I see many profiles were a special card or kind of cards is asked for and I do not yet have any of these.
Befor Covid I always bought cards of places I visited within Germany as there are no tourist cards of my town.

I always feel I do not have enough cards so I constantly buy new ones. Except I am not that active on postcrossing. Then I do not buy as many cards.

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Literally any time I walk past a store that sells postcards :sweat_smile:
Or anytime I feel like buying them online.

I have thousands of blank postcards waiting to be sent, on almost any topic you can think of. I just can’t help myself buying more. I might have a bit of a problem. :laughing:


For me, either:
when it’s hard to find a card to match someones (normalish) wish
the album where I keep my empty cards, is mostly empty (it holds 160 postcards, and when I only have about 20, I start feeling like I need new cards immediately :smile: )

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When the non-essential shops open, I’m going to try to get some view cards, probably first thing on a Sunday morning when it is relatively safe. Until then I’m not going to worry about any cards.

When I walk past them and see something appealing
When I’m travelling
When I stumble across a new online shop
When I miss or run out of a theme


Anything :rofl: