What's the best postcard you've ever received and why?

What’s the best postcard you’ve ever received and why? I’d love to know what made it your favorite and why it stood out from all the others. Thanks!!

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Talking about official PC
This one is my favourite:)

Hopefully it shows but this one has been my favorite so far. I love all these stamps!!!

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This one, which the sender saw was in my favourites and sent to me! :blush:


It would be my first postcard, beacuse it is the first one :slight_smile:

Is this handmade? This is so cool!!!

It does look like it, but no! It’s an illustration by Eric Carle, from his book “Draw me a star” :blush:

“Draw me a cat, said the dog. Draw me a bird, said the cat. Draw me a butterfly, said the bird.”

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