What's more important, the image or the message?

The message. Just “happy post crossing” feels like someone didn’t want to make someone smile :woman_shrugging:t2:


If I get a really good message, it warms my heart. I received one yesterday that sent warm hugs and really needed them, so it made me happy. I always love the pictures too though.


It’s the message for me! I always read it first. This week I received a PC meetup card with nothing but stamps which was a total let down. There was plenty of room for a little note and signature. I would have been happy with that.

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Ooohh that is a tough question. I want to say the image, because that is the part you look at most of the time. Whether that is because it’s displayed or in an album. But the message can contain the real magic, of getting to know the person or the country where the card is coming from.

So it depends. Some cards it’s the image, some cards it’s the message! I like the question though :heart:


Definitely the message for me! While I love when both sides of a card are enjoyable, my favourite part about postcrossing is receiving a message from somebody. It’s fun to have these passing interactions with faraway strangers!

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I thought everyone would care about both, sometimes image more, sometimes message. Interesting to read this topic! If I would not care about the image, I would swap letters or notes, and if I would not care about the message, I could buy these cards myself for me.

I enjoy reading the message, but also looking at the image, maybe searching more about the artist, place etc. And then the stamps too, hand writing can be a good part, even when the meanings of the words were not :smile:, postmark, sometimes decorations, travel markings…

…almost like do I importance my heart or brain more :laughing: very hard to decide, maybe not possible even, for me; I would not have been member this long for only images, but not for only messages either.


For some it is neither the image nor the text, but the stamps.
I prefer the text in connection with the image.

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Message, image and stamps equally, but at different times.

When a postcard arrives I’m more interested in the stamps which will hopefully tell me where the postcard is from, and next the message. The image is least important. BUT, after I’ve registered the postcard, it’s all about the image and where I’m going to display it and for how long. I hardly ever read the message again, though I might look at the stamps every now and then.


Value is subjective.

Be happy :slight_smile:

both, all says something about the sender

Obviously after 13 years of Postcrossing, I prefer good, humorous message compared to image. The message gives me an imaginary profile of sender and happenings around the world. So whenever I get blank card with no text, I feel sad and unwanted. It gives impression that sender is not communicating but just increasing their statistics of cards sent /recd