What to do with World Postcard Day extra postcards?

Agreed and it is indeed a nice design! I am going to keep sending if not in their received wall.

Thank you! Good perspective and I agree about it being special/collectible because it marks a special day :blush: thank you!

A lottery sound great! It could be my first lottery as I havenā€™t done one yet. Good idea!


Thank you! I have a few friends who I may tempt into jointing by sending these!

Profile mentions definitely will send to! Thanks for the mention of being able to send them ā€œanytimeā€ if they specify an interest and have not received it yet. Appreciate the response!

I like the idea of hanging onto them to send to folks in advance of WPD as a reminder/nudge to get them to participate. I have a few muggle (non post carders) friends who are somewhat maybe kinda sorta interested, they are the ones Iā€™d target a month or three in advance with old WPD cards. Just a thought.


I received a WPD 2020 card this year and liked it a lot! So I guess you could also reuse them in a yearā€˜s time on the next WPD. :slight_smile:


I just received anotherone today. I think I received arround 10 by now.

I would love to have one. I will add that to my ā€œabout meā€ section. I didnā€™t realize there were extras out there.

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@NanceK sending you a pm :slightly_smiling_face:

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Some people have them as favourites so i send them to those who like to collect them and have not received them so far.


I did not receive any postcard from WPD :sob: :sob: if you want you can send me one :smiley:

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@btrixmarc Sending you a pm :blush:

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You could ask for swaps at the proper section of the forum!
(Iā€™d like to swap for one of those :wink:)

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@cleopatra-matta sending pmšŸ˜Š

I always check in the wall profile, if the person had already received, if not I send them one :slight_smile:

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@isagv Yes, I am trying to avoid replicating them. Thank you for sharing your experience.

I mention postal themes in my profile and would be very happy to officially receive one of these cards at any time.

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