What to do if someone says they're only sending out, not receiving?

Hello, Postcrossing community!

I am brand new here – just joined yesterday. I selected my 5th person to send a card to but his profile states that he is only sending postcards out and not currently receiving any in, and has written “Inactive” in his profile. Based on this, is there a way I can draw another name and send a card to someone else?


I guess his profile wasn’t updated (yet). Would he truly be in inactive status, his address would not have been given out to you for sending a card.


Thanks for the response! He wrote in his profile that he last updated his profile in July 2022 and that was also the last time he registered any postcards received. He did make it fairly clear that he’s only sending out postcards at this time, so I was thinking that’s why he’s still showing up?

If he doesn’t want postcards, I would love to bypass him somehow so I can draw another name, but unsure if that’s possible. Or, maybe I should send him one anyway?

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It’s not possible to take another address.
They have changed their inactive status to active, and that’s why you got the address. And because they have been inactive, they haven’t got any cards to register. You might be the first one to get their address now that they are back to active.


If an address is given to you, you have to send a card.

The fact that you are given his address means that he is ready to receive a card. Maybe he found his interest again after nine months off or circumstances now permit him to receive cards reliably or whatever. The system would not have allowed to draw his address if he is in inactive status (when you can still send mail, though).


Here is about the inactive status:


Thanks for the link. I understand that, but this user still popped up even though he wishes to be semi-inactive (he only wants to send postcards out, not receive them in)

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Got it! Well, in that case, I will send one out to him. Thanks!

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Yes, it’s little misleading word. In inactive mode you can still send cards.
This sometimes causes big difference in sent - received -numbers.

Edit. But the profile is active now, it would not be given if it wasn’t.
Maybe they don’t even remember what they write in the profile or just didn’t update it yet.


Ahh, got it. Thanks!

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