What to do if a card is travelling for a while?

:joy: I posted three things to the same country on the same day early last year…

So one arrived in 14 days, another 16 days- and the third? Took over 200 days.

Yep, really. If the postmark and the date I wrote on the card weren’t identical the recipient wouldn’t have believed it. That makes two of us. :joy:

So don’t resend. Patience young grasshopper as the sage said (yeah ok it was in a movie). Trust in the power of the postal gods :wink:


I know that all of those cards are already expired. But should I resend (one) of the followings? All cards were sent from the south of Austria.
Russia (to a city called ‘Saratov’ 2259 km/1404 miles) = 137 days
China (8091 km/5028 miles) = 111 days
Brazil (10028 km/6231 miles - So Paulo) = 80 days
Thank you for your help!

Check the users and when were they logged for the last time. That will give you a clue about if thy are really active or not. If they haven’t been seen for months, I wouldn’t resend.

Hi Patricia!
Russian member: last log-in 17 days ago
Chinese member: last log-in 10 days ago
Brasilian member: last log-in 14 days ago
Best regards

I would wait then :person_in_lotus_position:

Lets hope that they will arrive.
Thank you!

Eventhough they are expried I think still the receiver can register them when they receive it. Coz I received a card from China and after registered it I got to know it travelled more than 330days means almost 11 months. The card was dated as September 2020. I register it and its in my received list.

I very recently sent my first 5 postcards.
I was wondering: what to do in the hypothetical case one of the future new addresses happens to belong to a user who has not been active online for a very long time (months, years)? What would be your advice? A message to such user before sending the postcard? Or something else?
Thank you in advance.

After some months unlogged the account turns automatically inactive, so you won’t receive profiles with years of inactivity. I don’t recall how many months are the limit…


It’s 30 days.


Thank you Nicole! I will definitely check it out :slightly_smiling_face:

Wow, that is a long time – I was especially surprised my USA-Italy card is taking so long as I’ve had other cards get there much more quickly.

I’ve been Postcrossing for nearly two years, and in that time I’ve sent a second postcard about three times (at about 100-150 days). In each of those cases, it was to people who regularly log in and regularly register postcards. In all three cases, the second postcard was registered within a couple of weeks.

I don’t bother to send a second postcard to those who have not logged in for months. There are some postcards that have expired where the Postcrosser regularly logs in but they have a peculiar pattern of registering postcards, usually whole batches every month or two. I’ve never bothered sending a second postcard to them.

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I’ve learned by reading this forum that sometimes timing depends more in the specific postal sections rather than in the countries. I you happen to send something to a neighborhood in a collapsed postal district… distance seems to matter less.

I hadn’t thought of that, but it makes sense. :thinking:

Hello, one of my cards, the first ones i send out is now travelling for over 40 days.
How long can a card travel ?
What if the person didn’t get my card.
Its to Rusia


Have a look at the FAQs page for answers to your questions.
For instance:
"A postcard that has been traveling longer than 60 days is set to expired in Postcrossing. This status allows an account to send another postcard. You can see which of your traveling postcards have expired by looking at your “Traveling Postcards” page.

Most sent postcards will arrive well before 60 days have passed; however, some postcards do take longer to reach their destination. Expired postcards can still be registered up to one year after you requested the address. After this period, they are deleted from Postcrossing and can no longer be registered."


I would not worry too much :smiley: cards to Russia can take a while. It is kinda unpredictable how long a card will take and even if it travels for a long time, it might still arrive.

After the postcard has traveled for more than 60 days, it will be “expired” and free a slot for you to send a new postcard to someone else.

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Two examples:
Postcard ES-595388 (postcrossing.com) (88 days)
Postcard ES-577674 (postcrossing.com) (57 days)

And I currently have an expired one travelling for 64 days to Kaliningrad… Still not thinking about writting a private message though…

I wouldn’t worry too much about it, 40 days is actually quite normal for a card to take, especially to Russia or for example China. One time I even sent a postcard to a country where postcards will generally arrive within a month or so, and it actually took 190 days before the person received the postcard.