What questions should I ask when I interview well-known postcard artists?

Hi all - I’m a Postcrosser and journalist. I have a new blog where I interview famous postcard artists from box sets that many Postcrossers collect.

Every week, I post at least one new interview and set up an associated Forum lottery to give some of their cards away.

So far I have interviewed Inge Löök, Rachel Ignotofsky of the Women in Science/Art boxed set, and several artists from the Flower Box (Carolyn Gavin, Jen Hewett, Rose Wong).

I am working with Ana from Postcrossing to get these up on the main PC blog at some point.

I have many other interviews confirmed, and I am taking ideas for what to ask these artists.

If you look over my existing interviews you’ll get a sense of the questions I usually ask.

The artists I’m interviewing in the next couple months are:

  • Louise Neumann of LouPaper
  • Bob Eckstein of the World’s Greatest Bookstores boxed set
  • Tom Gauld of the Snooty Bookshop
  • Abby Clawson Low of Color–Form–Light: 50 Postcards from This Is Mexico City
  • Chris Wormell of Welcome to the Museum: Planetarium postcards
  • Jackie Morris of The Wild Cards
  • Mimi O Chun of the Curious Feast box set
  • Petr Václavek of Acorn Elves
  • Mia Johnson of the Dog Box
  • James Quail of Post-Punk Postcards

So far I get all of my ideas for who to interview from the Postcard Set RR. At this point I am not interviewing artists from within Postcrossing, talented though they may be!! If you’re curious to know who else I’ve approached for an interview, here’s the list.

I’m doing these interviews for the PC community so I’d love for them to be a community effort. Thanks in advance for your feedback on what I should ask!


Thanks for your great work! :smiley::+1:

I would ask them where they get the inspiration for their card motives from.
Why they choose to use especially postcards as the medium for their works of art.
What they think of Postcrossing.
Do they write and send postcards themselves.
What further plans they have got for the design of their postcards.


@idus posted a couple of my questions, hahaha and some good ones I hadn’t really thought of. You do a great job of finding out a lot of interesting information. The two blogs I’ve read had both had some ah ha moments for me.

I love reading their why…why they create the art they create.
I love hearing their inspiration.
I love hearing what’s next for them.
I’m always interested if they also love snail mail or do they prefer electronic communications.
I like reading their stories, things that have lead them to the path they are currently on.

I guess, I just want to know it all. hahaha


I would ask which was the first postcard they designed, and if it was just an experimenti or they thought of creating a complete set from the beginning.

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Your blog interviewing famous postcard artists and hosting associated Forum lotteries is a wonderful way to engage the Postcrossing community. Thanks for your great work!
Perhaps you could explore inquiring about their artistic journey, delving into the intricacies of their creative process, from inception to the culmination of their masterpieces. Additionally, it would be intriguing to discover any particular techniques or materials they favour in their artistic endeavours.
Considering that numerous Postcrossers avidly collect their postcards, it would be intriguing to understand the emotions evoked by the realization that their artwork is embraced and cherished by individuals worldwide. Furthermore, how does this profound global connection influence and ignite inspiration within their artistic pursuits?


Your work is awesome. I really enjoyed your interview with Rachel and still hope that parts of „planet home“ will be available as postcards.

Some things I would like to know:

  1. did they knew Postcrossing before the interview?
  2. are they maybe part of Postcrossing?
  3. what is their opinion on AI Art?
  4. if their designs where not specifically made for postcards, how did they end up as postcards.

Another thought:
Maybe some of the artists would be willing to sign/write some of their cards and you could give them away in a lottery. That would be the icing on the cake. :sweat_smile:

Thanks again for all your work and passion.


+1 to this!

I would like to know:

  1. How does a typical day for the artist look like?
  2. Which part of their job do they like the most, and why?
  3. Which part of the job do they dislike the most, and why?
  4. Any recommendations they have (on stationery/art supplies etc - ie their preferred items)?
  5. Tell us about something they are proud of (outside of their art)

Thank you for all your lovely work - the blog is a delightful read :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes: