What postcards have you sent or received today?

Today I received these, I can’t believe how beautifully these coordinate :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Today I posted these 10 cards.
3 to family and friends in the UK
2 Official cards (Germany and Russia)
5 forum tag cards (USA, Canada, Russia and Belgium)


Received: 1 RAS from B-Engel.

today i sent two postcards. One to germany and one to the usa:)


I sent 5 officials today. I don’t have photos of the front, but I liked the stamps I used and took a photo of those. The postcards are on their way to Germany, Belarus, Russia and the USA.


I actually had to pick up a postcard from the post office today. Yesterday, I found a notification in my mailbox, that a piece of registered mail could not be delivered to me because I wasn’t at home. It didn’t say anything more than “a piece of registered mail”, so due to the fact that registered mail in my book always had a touch of “highly official” and “very important” to me and for the life of me I couldn’t think of who would send me something via registered mail and why, except for something along the lines of “did I just get fired?!” So you can probably imagine, I was somewhat nervous… I went to the post office after work today, and what did I get?! A postcard from Lithuania! lol


And it was no registered mail at all, I suppose, for Deutsche Post took the barcode of the Lithuanian Post for a register code, while it is not more than the orange barcode used by Deutsche Post themselves.

Yep, I reckon that’s exactly what happened. While I gotta admit their additional barcode sticker with a number on it really looks like it’s registered mail… this is actually the second time I received a postcard from Lithuania labelled as registered mail. This first time I was at home when my mailwoman stopped by, she was like “why on earth does somebody send a postcard by registered mail?!”
It doesn’t seem like this happens with every piece of mail from Lithuania though…

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I send these ones today:


I love the Frida Kahlo postcard!

I have received today 6 official postcards: 5x USA and 1 x Germany. With wonderful stamps!



wow That’s a lot

-my mail today: official from GB

-my mail 18.02.: Surprisecard from Veke259 (BE) and Meetingcard from Tajaaa (PL)

-my mail 17.02.: official from CH

-sent today: officials to RU and IT and Bingocard to DE

-received a card from me: Barbara58 (AT) and Veke250 (BE)

-Official cards travelling to :cn: 336 days Expired :frowning: and 3 days, :macau: 323 days, :hong_kong: 262 days, Expired :frowning: , :portugal: 159 days Expired :frowning: , :netherlands: 33 days, :taiwan: 27 days, , :uk: 19 days, :ru: 12 days, 5 days and today, :us: 12 days, 6 days, 5 days and 3 days, :jp: 5 days, :lithuania: 4 days, :fr: 3 days and :it: today.

-Last 10 received: :finland:, :us:, :belgium:, :ru:, :us:, :us:, :ru:, :czech_republic:, :switzerland: and :uk: .

Hallo, interessant das zu lesen! Bei mir kam nämlich heute auch eine Karte aus Litauen an mit einem Aufkleber Einschreiben und R , also Rückantwort. Ich glaube, dass der Absender es aufgeklebt hat …oder? Als Deko vielleicht? Denn wie sollte das sonst gemacht sein? Sehr kurios!

I revived 2 official cards (from Australia and Portugal) and 1 card from a tag(from Germany):


Today I have received this unexpected “ghost-meeting” card from @B-Engel:

I don’t understand if it’s an official without ID (but I’m not supposed to receive any at the moment) or a RAS-card. Thanks a lot anyway! :smiley:


I am so happy about this card I sent today. I’ve been hanging on to it for ages, waiting for the perfect profile, and it’s on its way today!

Edit 07.03.2021: it’s arrived: GB-1350127


From “Good night stories for rebel girls”

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Thank you I’ll have to add that to my want list!

@AnjuschkaC I love that postcard!

(for the sake of everyone, I’ll stick to english… :wink:)

I don’t think that “Einschreiben R” label was put there by the sender… the postcard I received had a Lithuanian barcode sticker on the bottom, and the sticker from Deutsche Post was put across the (officially stamped) Lithuanian stamp. So whatever is happening currently, Deutsche Post seems to think a postcard is registered mail when in fact it isn’t…

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