What kind of stamps do you collect?

Hello everyone, I am new to the Forum. First please excuse me for my bad English. Here is my little story with stamps.
I collected stamps with my grandmother when I was little. I found it wonderful, I had the impression of discovering the world and the illustrations I liked. Then I grew up and I kept the stamps only for my grandmother. The collection didn’t interest me much anymore. Then since I recovered my grandmother’s collection, I take great pleasure in continuing it. I take great pleasure especially since I shared it with my daughter.
I don’t have a specific theme for the moment and I also collect FDC and maxicard.
My daughter is looking for stamps on dance, music, space, butterflies, arctic and antartic, canceled or new.
I no longer remove the stamps from the envelopes.
I buy stamps very very rarely and receive little mail with beautiful stamps, the collection evolves very very slowly.
Bonne journée


I just turned 60 so I’ve collected stamps since I was a little boy. My first memory of stamp collecting would be my Nan traveled world by ship( 6 months at a time) in the 1960s. My parents would give me the post cards/presents to look at and keep. My Dad had an stamp album but give it to me shortly after that. His was from the mid 1930s and a 2nd one from the early 60s. When he died 6 years ago I found many mint stamps in his desk that he continued to collect from his world travels with Mom. Today I have 3 Canadian albums and 3 WW albums, a letters albums, post cards albums and others album. My three 20 something children have not taken up the hobby yet. One is collecting post cards that are sent to her usually its from Mom and Dad from our travels (I am alsways sending them when . I didn’t collect too much when I was in my 20s, just bought the stamps and stored in.
The best part of stamp collecting was I found my wife that way!!! She is from Europe and her country I had no stamps from so I wanted a pen pal from there.


Not quite digital, but manually posting envelopes of stamps

I am collecting stamps for nearly 7-8 years.

My collecting interests have been changing from my initial days to now. I used to collect more Mint (unused) stamps but as time passed by I faced many difficulties with storage and maintenance of Mint stamps. I live in India and gum deteriorates very fast in my place due to temperature and humidity variations.

Hence gradually I concentrated more on Used stamps and Postally Used covers. I collect used stamps from India, Australia and Great Britain.

I also love to collect stamps with images of Letters, Letterboxes, Postman, Post Offices, Stamps on Stamps, Stamps with Philatelic activities.

In last couple of years I am also focussing on Medicine/Health, Medicinal Plants, Yoga and Ayurveda related stamps and postal material (postal stationery). I am MD in Ayurveda and I teach community medicine, Ayurveda and Yoga to Undergraduate Ayurveda students. Sometimes I use scans of stamps and postal material in my lectures (Powerpoint Presentations). I am even planning a small exhibit on topics related to my profession.

It is difficult to get used stamps for thematic interests hence I collect Mint for the themes mentioned above. But if given a choice I would prefer Used stamps or Postally Used Covers anyday. :slight_smile:


Excellent.I love postage stamps and coins :+1:

I am very new to stamp collecting and have only a small collection, but my wish is to collect stamps with sheep on them! I also love space themed stamps, but there are so many of them and lots of people with space collections. I think sheep stamps would be the perfect unique collection and sheep are my favorite animal :slight_smile:


I’m not a real or typical collector.

First of all I’m always very happy to get mail with beautiful or uncommon stamps. I scan them but leave them on the postcard or envelope.
And only those I really like or matching my interests.


Exactly the same for me :blush:

I scan my very favourite stamps on postcards and upload them.

And I enjoy special cancellations a lot (first day or special event ones)

I don’t “collect” loose stamps, so I remove them from the envelopes to either give them to stamp collectors or use them for decorating / crafting.


wow. I’ve never seen those dragon stamps before. absolutely love them!

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@metlodyt message me your address and I will happily send you a card with the dragon stamps! :grin:

Thank you so much @alschiavo! That is so nice of you. address on it’s way :blush:

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I never butcher a postcard for the stamp(s).

As a beginning stamp collector, I collect used or mint stamps from any type of country really. Here are the pages of my stockbook/ album showing some stamps from my own country:


And here are a few more pages of my stockbook, showing a few of my worldwide collection.


My first stamp album is already filling out quite nicely I think, well at least for a beginner. It’s not like I have a special room dedicated to my stamp/philatelic collection. (Like some collectors) Here are a few more pages of my first album:


One of favorite countries to collect stamps from is probably Japan. I often buy surprise packets of Japanese stamps from a seller on Etsy and all Japanese stamps are often quite beautiful, so here are the last pages of my stockbook/album including my Japanese stamps.


The rest of my stamp collection consists out of envelopes, which still have the stamps on them, called covers. Plus all of the beautiful postcards I have ever received, which I all keep in different albums and a box. So far I have never taken the stamps off of the postcards I have received, because I personally prefer a postcard with all the stamps still on it :slight_smile:

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Since there are hardly any beautiful stamps in my country [in my opinion], I was never interested in collecting stamps. Through the cards I have received from abroad so far, I have discovered that there are indeed very nice stamps and have now bought myself an extra collector’s folder :slight_smile:
I have also seen some stamps in some of the forum topics here that I am trying to buy on eBay, such as the “USA 2017 Total Eclipse of the Sun” sheet.
As this collecting passion is very new, I don’t know yet exactly what I will collect, but I already know that I like whole sheets more than single and used stamps.

Will I take stamps off from postcards? Probably not because every card I’ve got so far was really lovely and I don’t want them to be damaged.

Picture 1 - My favourite stamps I’ve got so far
Picture 2 - The “Total Eclipse of the Sun” stamps I’ve mentioned that I want to buy :3


There are new sun stamps too, maybe you might like these?

@Cassiopheia those collections were really fun to look at tysm for sharing~

@Mattie07 thank you so much for showing all those pages!
I really liked the Japanese ones and Malaysia fish one, really cool

I also agree with many of the sentiments here, I don’t take stamps off of postcards either, but envelopes are fair game hehe


I am mostly interested in definitive stamps - the everyday workhorses of the mail system, so to say. That does not mean that I do not keep pictorial and commemorative stamps, too, but there are so many of these that it is hard to keep up even with those from my home country. I prefer used stamps and mount them with stamp hinges (little stripes of gummed crystal paper) on home made album pages (basically, sheets of office paper with boxes or a squared background). For instance, here is the first set of the “Irish Architecture” series that I like very much:

But I also keep “entires” (envelopes and postcards) or stamps on piece, mainly because of the postmarks.

I’ve also got quite a few spare stamps that I’d like to swap - drop me a line if you are interested.
