What is your favorite postcard box?

Mine also :smiling_face:

Same for me @Winkey :blush:

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I recently got this illustrated US National Parks set. It only features 21 of the 63 parks (52 postcards total, so some parks repeat with unique illustrations), but they have a lovely style.
A small note for US postcrossers: These cards are techinically just a tad larger than the postcard postage limit for within the US.


Oh, I like this style a lot! :heart_eyes:

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@roxsm I have this box too and it is one of my favorites. I also love the National Parks box by 59 Parks

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I have a ridiculous amount of postcard boxes and postcard books and Matt’s box of bird postcards is one of my favorites!


I just ordered this for $6 from a book discount website…the illustrations are nice but I wish the cardstock was a bit thicker


@Izzy2018 - Nice! That’s a great price!

I find colors very interesting in themselves, so I would love to receive some of these cards!

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I love the Wild Animals of the World cards, and the various National Parks sets. I also like some of the various book related cards I’ve seen, and the Pantone cards. Also the New York Botanical Garden box.

I love this set! It’s postcard art created by Mark Mothersbaugh from the 80’s band Devo. It’s very trippy and unique.


So this gorgeous postcard boxset that I just stumbled upon today (in my favourite bricks and mortar local store) has shot to the top of my ‘favourite box set’ list!

I see it’s already in the boxset Wiki…so it’s not new new. Just new to me! And so YUMMY!

You can see more images here:


I was pleasantly surprised with the “Details From the Street” boxed postcard set by Bill Cunningham. I like the eclectic mix of NYC street (fashion) photography! I’ve pulled some of my favorites.


I’ve seen there is a new one https://www.amazon.de/Eric-Carles-Box-Wonders-Postcards/dp/059323653X/

(I’ve still got plenty of the old one, did rarely get kids profiles since I have it and some are too cute to send - sent some to my godson as he was younger though and got him the book with a wooden pull around caterpillar, still have the video my SIL sent where he “reads” the book when being around 3 years old, - so cute!)

I do own the two Pixar Boxes (some nice ones but have not sent a lot from them in years, would not buy both of them again, too many that are just sketches), the Eric Carle Box was my first (and I do still love it and there are quite some cards I don’t want to send at all because they are so cute) and I do have the Star Wars box, which as a box is quite cool, you can put one card in the front and it looks like it’s in a fram then. https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/1419718118/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I haven’t any clue about Star Wars (got some profiles at that time wanting Star Wars things and thought could send some to my nephew) which makes it difficult to choose (no idea if the people in the film scenes are good or bad, if the scene is good or boring…). And the format is clearly odd. and some pictures look quite blurry to me. (but as some of these films are old that might be expected?)
And a 100 dogs box, wouldn’t buy that again either.

I love the work by Ernst Haeckel and this postcard book was one of the reasons I got back into postcrossing because I wanted to share them rather than keeping them to myself :sweat_smile:


Since I played “Magic the Gathering” quite often a few years ago, I couldn’t resist buying this box. :grinning:


My most favorite postcard box ever are these along with the matching stamps. I bought a set when they were first released. There were two of each card and I split the set with my friend. So now I can’t bare to send any of them because I love them all as a set. :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing: The box is now discontinued so if you want to purchase them they are well over $150.00


In the past I have purchased the Harry Potter and Disney Princess boxes. I mailed all the postcards to postcrossers and pen pals. Just days ago I purchased the “The Art of Waves” box of 50 postcards, by photographer Clark Little. His photos are featured in a few Hawaii postcards I purchased in the past. Nice quality cards and keepsake box. Beautiful and calming, I’m keeping half, lucky there are 2 of each postcard.


Oh Hungry Caterpillar, i love it:):green_heart:

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