What is the total number of cards that you have received till now ?

Hello I’m new to Postcrossing so I have only received 2 so far and sent 6 Official. I have been doing RR and direct swaps. I really enjoy this!


Probably over 6,000…last time I counted, it was over 5,200. I have an overflowing bin of postcards that need to be counted. :joy:

And I never really threw any card out, just 3 or 4. And I remember the reasons why I threw them out…I’m sensitive about a few things in life…


I like it that we do similar things with our cards.
Yes Bethel, didnt imagine they get stamps from arround the world!
And I like India, been there long ago :slight_smile: nice to meet you
Namaste :pray:

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I got 5802 official cards an maybe 15 by lotteries or swaps.


I have received 252 cards. I keep them in a box in cronological order. And to be honest I get a little sad hearing that my card just could end up in the bin. I spend a lot of time finding the right card, stamp, washi tape and stickers which I hope would please and bring joy to the receiver, not to mention writing a personal message.


I just pulled an address and it is to China. Worst part is that the user hasn’t been “seen” in 27 days :pensive:


I have received 1960 official postcards so far, but I also previously had another account through which I received about 200 postcards. I’ve also done private swaps, maybe over 100. I think I have received about 2200 postcards in total.

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I hope to reach 500 postcards sent/received this year

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