What is the appeal of Tausendschön, FOTW, COTW, GF? (et cetera)

Hello, fellow Postcrossers. I am genuinely curious as to why many hobbyists would have similar wishlists of various cards and artists? If you are someone who collects such cards, may you please explain why and what got you started on your collection. I get that these cards are extremely beautiful and informative, but it does feels a bit repetitive in abundance. Share your thoughts and experiences! :slight_smile:

I think this question gets down on what’s the purpose of collecting? Its true its a little repetitive, but only on the surface There is still difference in the cards and of course different in how you got them, because first cards are easy, but if you keep going it gets harder and needs more effort to get those, which you miss. Maybe is it that, to keep going and increase the effort, which keeps people collecting.


I think you already partly answered this question. Yes, they are nice and informative. I am not a die-hard collector of some of the above mentioned series, but still it makes me happy if I receive e.g. a GF card. I don’t demand every postcrosser has to send such card to me and I don’t imagine I could ever collect the whole series. :smiley: Even if cards in a series follow the same pattern, they are unique in their own way. But again, isn’t collecting any cards a bit repetitive? :wink: Like cars, cats, football stadium, coffee…


thanks for your reply, I guess it takes two hands to clap for every card. The harder it is to acquire a certain card, the more appealing it is. :wave:t2::sunglasses:

I agree with what you said, a collection of any sort is repetitive and I guess different people like different things. From the stamps used to the words written to the cancellation… all these gives the cards personalities of their own! thanks for your reply!