What is nude art? (Pictures of nudity in thread)

I used to write ‘nude art OK’ as part of my wish for black&white photos, as I’ve always enjoyed how this art form plays with light and shadow, and also how they use bodies to look like something else.

I’ve received two cards of naked people, and while I neither mind nor get offended by either of them, I question whether they are nude art or simply a pinup or art photography, respectively.

How do other people define nude art - anyone naked or something more specific?

The cards in question are these two:


My 100% arbitrary guide is based around the eyes and lighting. There’s something about direct eye contact (or close) that tips nude pictures out of the art category. So, I’d classify the first card as not nude art, while the second picture is (especially given the nature of the image with a kid)

When my recipients ask for adult cards, I send what I consider to be more on the artistic side. As an aside, there’s a famous quote about obscenity and pornography from a 1964 U.S. Supreme Court case: “I know it when I see it” :innocent:

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In my opinion, the first one is just bulk production, nothing original.
Second one, (nude) everyday art photography, really nice moment.

I have sent this, which I think is very “kind”, and artsy:

and this, that doesn’t play with the light, but with maybe the instruments, surroundings, man being just a medium (not always the active, aggressive factor), and how the man is placed like da Vinci’s “Vitruviuan man”, I think.

Edit. I think, when there’s room for interpretation, it’s more easily “art”.


If I read “nude art”, my first thought would be paintings, not photography.


Very interesting question! I like nude art, but I don’t like just postcards with plain naked body, like the first card you show. I encounter a lot that people consider first ones nude art too (maybe you can call it erotica?)

For me, personally, it’s the presence of an ‘idea’ makes it art rather than picture of a body from one of adult playing cards). For example, play with light, pose etc. makes it more art (also when breast or genitalia are right in your face it is less of an art), when you can look at the aestetics of the body is also art

Second one has an idea, and I would say it’s not sexualized even (Czech Republic has a lot of nice nude art photographers, like Jan Saudek). Any retro erotica becomes art too, because the sexuality triggers change too much through time

Though recently I came across weird postcards which are neither: photos by nudists - just common people naked in their apartments or in nature, weirds me out a bit, even though it doesn’t feel like pornography :woman_shrugging: I can find the links if anyone interested…


I once sent a card showing one of Jan Saudek’s portraits. But I suppose his art might be disturbing for a lot of people.


Wow, thanks for mentioning him. I didn’t know anything about him, and his work is fascinating.

I don’t think children should be allowed on the cards in any way shape or form. They have not given consent.

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Inside art, erotica and nude is a very strong theme. I never recivied one, but I want this.

Things like these, I’d say:


I hope all these were sent inside an envelope!

As for those I sent, I think they weren’t - but they all travelled to places in Europe that I’d suspect to be fairly relaxed about nudity…
So the US would be a no-go area for cards like these? Good to know.


Yes, I would not send them without an envelope here.

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I think that art is anything that someone has created. So, both of those postcards in the OP are art. When you say “nude art”, I think many people might just think you mean “naked”. This might be because nude art and erotica are often lumped together in categorizarions.

So, perhaps you could be more specific? Like, you could say, “No erotica, please,” or “Renaissance nudes,” or “Queer nudes,” or “Contemporary nudes”, etc.