What is meant by Special Cancellation Ceremony

I received this lovely card today from St. Petersburg. On the back side, the writer says “best wishes from special cancellation ceremony.”

Can someone tell me what’s meant by special cancellation ceremony? Is this a postal thing? Just curious.


Possibly the ‘first day of issue’ of the stamp on the postcard and maybe the postcrosser made the trip to get the ‘special postmark’ for the stamp on its first day to create a Maxicard.


I see. Thank you.

It is a beautiful card!

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Thank you. I like the repetition of the bird motif.

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Me too…gradually getting smaller.

I agree with Maddymail that it sounds like the sender went and got it specially postmarked.

Can you read what kind of bird it is? I’d like to know what it is…if you can? Thank you! :blush:


Ooops…I can see its name now. I forgot to click and enlarge the photo…doh!!

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Can you tell the name of the bird? What is it? Is Payha Poccu the name of the bird?

On the stamp it says Regulus regulus (under the Russian). I looked online and Regulus regulus is a Goldcrest (according to Wikipedia).


Cool. Thank you!

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When I read Regulus regulus…I thought to myself ‘hmmm sounds like it’s a Regular regular bird…so maybe a sparrow’…:rofl::face_with_hand_over_mouth:.

As it turns out…I don’t think they’re too far separated…both look to be from the same Order…so my silliness was not too far off the mark.


In my country the ceremonies are not public, it is unfortunate.
Greetings from Perú!!!


Greetings to you. Happy Friday!

These stamps (with a special app) have augmented reality, so the stamps comes to life on your smartphone, even more cool!


Wow. Interesting!

It’s my postcard. Sorry for my English. :slight_smile:

This card was issued in the set of 4 cards.

It was issued less than 15 copies of each.
I have some last copies. If someone is interesting - please U2U me.

Also it wil be ‘special postmark’ (can I say ‘ceremony’?) :slight_smile: this saturday.
There will be such postmark and stamps and postcards with roses. Also if someone interesting in, please write to me.


Also :slight_smile:

ФАУНА РОССИИ and ФЛОРА РОССИИ on the postmarks means in Russian
‘Fauna of Russia’ and ‘Flora of Russia’.

It is such seies of stamps in Russia. Each year one set of stamps of every series is issued.

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