What is a XXL postcard?

I draw a member who says they enjoy XXL postcards. What is this?

Did they say XXL postcard or a maxicard?

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Probably just larger than normal.

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They actually listed both as different categories.

OK, then I would also say an XXL postcard is a really big card.

Maxicards or cards maximum are special philatelistic objects, where on the picture side of the postcard a matching stamp is placed, also with special cancellation. Often these cards are issued by the national post (but you can create your own, you just need to have a card with picture matching the stamp).

Here’s an example from Australia:

Polish Post for example doesn’t issue such cards at all nowadays.

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XXL just means larger postcard, while a maxicard has a matching stamp and cancellation on the front.


Those are beautiful!

I see, so the member just means a big card then. Thank you for the assistance of everyone :slight_smile:

I would have thought they mean a card printed by XXL (XXLposter or posterXXL).
They are good quality, that you can have your own photo printed.
Did they mention do they like/dislike this type of card (from own photo)?

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