What is a Tourist Card?

It is always unfortunate to read such a mention on a profile. I like tourist postcards myself.
I haven’t put any restrictions on my profile so as not to embarrass those who have few choices.
This could be an example: a clear representation of a place or landscape, ideally with lettering.


This! To me, that is what a postcard is… a view of a place (or maybe a depiction of something related to the place, like food). I had a hard time adapting when I joined Postcrossing and realised some people don’t like them, I still cannot understand that but to each their own of course. At that point, I hadn’t even noticed that postcards existed with other themes, the rare times I saw them in shops I hardly took notice or at most imagined people would buy them to keep if they liked an image.

I guess something in-between is art pictures from museum, but again that is something that, on holiday, you would send because you visited that museum and liked it.

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This one looks great!

So true. I remember my dad used to say it was ludicrous to use your own film to take landscape and city scape photos when on vacation, as professional views were available on postcards, usually for a reasonable price.

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