What ever happened to.. members gone missing

I just reveived a card from her from a tag and couldn’t write anything to thank her. :cry:


I was inactive for many years but I remember getting emails from postcrossing saying that if I don’t log in during the next x days, your account will become inactive or deleted, I don’t really know how accounts get deleted. But every time I got the email, I logged in and went on with my life.


@nnniiina ,

You could write it here.


Maybe she has contact with other forum members who read the messages.
They can inform her. ( by email/ whatsapp/FB)


Missing members miss you too. I was gone for four-ish years when I dropped my PO Box and then numerous health challenges descended but I thought about Postcrossing and Postcrossers often.


Just curious, what does it mean when a user name becomes @anon ?

It means that account is deleted.

Yet I see them on some of the tags???

Forum posts are saved, but if you go to their profile, you will see that the page has been removed.

I see, thanks

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I miss @Agneau . She was very active on the forum with tags, had a very wide range of postcards and always gave some extra information when posting a card. Rebecca hasn’t visited her profile in 10 months. Does anybody know if she’s okay?



You will see this when you “click” the “anon…” account:

(Postcrossing mainsite)

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I miss @kampfetka from the guessing game lottery which I play a lot! Anna we miss you!!

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Oh, that’s so sweet and honouring :hugs: I miss our games, too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Was really glad to see, there’s already the second thread opened. But now I can’t participate because of various reasons, and the main reason is obvious… :pensive:

As we can see from my very weird stats… :joy: I’m answering this because I’ve participated on-and-off again: I used to be a member of Postcrossing since almost the beggining of the site (on another acc), and I had to stop every now and then simply because the price of the stamps are more and more expensive! I just stop affording them at some point, and keep them for my IRL abroad pals.
I really miss receiving postcards when I have to stop :frowning:


That is so kind of you to mention Jarina!

I was wondering what has happened to her and did not even know about this topic.

I was constantly postcard-palling with her and chatting here via private messages. I have sent a bunch of cards to Jarina since the deleting of her account but haven’t received any from her so far. Hope to hear from her soon.

I might inform those who miss her about the outcome.


Please let me know!
And, if you have an opportunity tell her that the Unicorn from Russia misses her too.
We met recently and I really liked her.


I, too, was very impressed with lapje, finding it a shame she is no longer present here. Since it was a public matter, I’ll mention that she had a stressful forum experience recently that may have influenced a decision to leave.


I regret on @lapje as well. Hope she will return one day fresh and fruity. Wishing her all the best.


I hoped so. Thank you for the good news :blush:


I also talked to Lapje a lot before she left,she told me that she didn’t use FB or other software anymore :joy: So if it is true I am dare that no one could contact her…
I remembered she had been offline for a moment and changed to one sentence “be the one to change the world” ,when she comes back again she told me she left because of illness and she was fine again that time…
She is really friendly and definitely great,I miss her too😔