What does your postbox look like?

I’m going to waste my last Belgian stamp for worldwide travel.

My mailbox is the white one. The one behind it is my neighbor’s across the street. The mail carrier only travels in one direction on my street, so all mailboxes have to be on the same side.

My red flag is up indicating that I have outgoing mail today, including a Postcrossing postcard! In the USA, the mail carrier will pick up mail from your residential mailbox, and if you schedule online a pick up request, they will pick up packages from your front porch.

Below the mailbox are the newspaper receptacles. I subscribe to six newspapers, four of which are delivered via US Mail, so they go in the mailbox. Two are delivered by private carrier, who are not allowed to use the mailbox due to postal regulations, so they go in the plastic receptacles.


Two very old postboxes in the seaside town of Llandudno, Wales, one from the reign of Queen Victoria. Both still in use.


This mailbox exists in the Pilgrim Hostel of Santo Domingo de la Calzada (La Rioja) Spain. Famous village St. James, a pilgrim route


The oldest mailbox in Spain that is known is in a private house in Mayorga de Campos (Valladolid). It is a renovated two-storey baroque-style building from the 18th century. It has a cantilever on the upper floor, and in the lower part the stone Mailbox. This mailbox bears the inscription Coreo / Ano de / MDCCXCIII. 1793.
The Spanish Philately dedicated a stamp to him in 2001.



I forgot about this topic, but I have found sone interesting mailboxes on vacation.

A vintage one ( I just pretend mailing something, I had no cards with me)

And a mysterious postbox in the middle of a forest, but hey. also wood ghosts deserve a happy mail day :smiley: :postcard: :wood:


Ahah, so cool! I wonder what gets collected (or delivered?) there!

I wondering the same. I have no clue.

Didn’t you feel naked so cardless? :sweat_smile:

Yes, sort of. But I already sent out some cards earlier that day :postbox:

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Now that is cold I would fit in like a glove…… how long is your winter, and what are the temperatures in summer?


Another of our smaller curbside postboxes here, that I walk past often.

Like the others I’ve posted earlier though…if I put my postcards in here, they won’t get cancelled/postmarked. So I’ve largely stopped using these boxes.


Texas post office boxes. Love that they are vintage :relaxed: That little door holds the world behind it. I use mine as my profile pic.


In China, he is mostly green. Why can’t this website publish the photos in the album? Only photos😥. Forgive me for being a novice

Hello @Jarana @chisco @Tinkatutu and everyone on the thread - if you would you like to have the pictures of your maiboxes featured on the IG for this thread @postboxesworldwide, please drop me a DM.

I started this thread and later set up the IG account to showcase these wonderful mailboxes. Let me know and I will post the pix and credit you with your IG/Postcrossing username, whichever you prefer.


Once a fixture in every respectable office building, first class hotels, and better apartment buildings, the Cutler Mail Chute. This shows the receiving box on the ground floor of a century old office building and has a double chute for the upper floors. Back when mail was the primary means of communication these were important. Busy executives couldn’t be bothered to waste time looking for a postbox (“time is money”) so they could drop off letters without ever leaving their floor. And for residential buildings, you could post a letter in your underwear in the middle of the night. Collections were made as often as every one or two hours during business hours, and some boxes even had night collection. Those decades are long gone. Even New York City ended night collections in the 1990’s.
These boxes are now considered “courtesy boxes” meaning that the USPS no longer guarantees the hours of collection. Typically collections are only made on business days when the regular delivery for that building is made. The box alone, without the chute, is also a common configuration.


A postbox in Headingley, Leeds, UK that I use from time to time.


perhaps this is not a postbox at all. Given that it is located in a wooded area I think it could be a Geocache hiding in plain sight by pretending to be a postbox.

That’s also possible.
I also do geocaching, but just as a basis member, so I can’t see every cache in the surroundings in the app.

There was one cache, near this postbox, but it was one of those I had no access from the app. ( I tried to find the location later on the PC, but no luck.)

Bird Mail?