What does your postbox look like?

The cars from the usps are looking so interesting. How are they called?

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Not sure what they’re called. But my mail man comes in that every day. He knows me. :relaxed:

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This are the cars from our postal service. We call them “Postauto”.
Most of them are driving with elecricity.


These are the postboxes at one of my local post offices…Mawson in the ACT (handy to have a Mawson postmark so close, if I ever decide to make my own Australian Antarctic Territory maxicards…).

The boxes are red for standard mail and yellow for express post.

That’s the post office in the background, with parcel lockers in the wall.

I like using these postboxes because there’s two reds…so they don’t get as choc-full over the weekends. I visited my closest postbox the other Monday and it was literally stuffed to overflowing…with peoples letters hanging out 😵‍💫. There was NO WAY I was putting my precious postcards in it!!

Also, these boxes have a clearing time of 4 pm…whereas some have a clearing time of midday. I prefer the later pickup…it gives me a bit more time to get them all ready!


The post box at our post office has also a clearing from monday to friday at 4 pm.
In Austria we only have normal yellow or orange postboxes.


They are called “LLV’s” for Long Life Vehicle. They are slated to be replaced in a few years because most of them are over 20 years old and (often literally) falling apart. They were not reliable even when new (they use Chevrolet engines and chassis, and Chevrolet is crap- I made the mistake of buying one so I know). I’ve driven an LLV at work a few times. Completely unsafe and feels like it’s going to lose control at any second. I’m glad I never became a carrier.

One type from Wellington, NZ


More examples of knitted toppers in this story!


This postbox in Wycoller village, Lancashire UK is practically part of someone’s house! You have to walk up to their door to post your letters


Some of the post boxes I go to in Bangalore, India :round_pushpin:

This is just outside the Sandhesha Postal Museum

This one is at the post office of the same postal code of my residence :slight_smile:

This one is in the Head Post Office which houses the philately department


Many times I leave my outgoing mail in my own mailbox. Other times I walk one minute from home where the closest post office is located.


That is one happy mailbox!!


The hooks are to hold newspapers and flyers.

This is how the postbox looks like in Syöte, Finland! :cold_face:


That looks not really like spring, but now I know why Finnish letterboxes are not white. :wink:


It is a ‘postal truck’ - since we drive on the right, American cars have the driver seat on the left. These vehicles are an exception, where the postal driver is on the right in order to pull up to the curbside box to deliver the contents without getting out of the vehicle.

The sender is supposed to raise the flag on the side of the mailbox to indicate to the carrier that there is outgoing mail to be removed first. The carrier lowers the flag to indicate the outgoing mail has been removed (delivery completed).

This is the post box I use to mail most of my postcards. It is a quick walk from my house.


One of the mailboxes in my neighbourhood, a short walk from my house, and the mailbox in my post office outlet located in a pharmacy, also walking distance from my house, just a little further out. I like to drop off my mail indoor when it’s very cold because stamps peel off :open_mouth:


Just out of curiosity, would the languages swap places in an English speaking area, or is French always first?

Scroll up my picture and you will see the English is first. Good question.