What does it feel like when you hit a milestone number of postcards?

It feels like birthdaycake!!

Invent several milestones like
Number of cards sent received travelling expired.
4550 sent was magical as then one can have 100 cards sent in the air at same time.
My monthly number of max sent was 4x at 24 or 25 before going up. Later I had 3x 94 sent before going up. Or about.
Wanted to hit the top100 sent of the last 60 days, hit the top50 of this for several days. July 2018 or around.

Number of countries sent received.
Shortest time between posting a wish in userprofile and fullfilling, BP drilling platform arrived in 10 days after updating profile.
Country I sent the most, due to Repeated, is Russia.

Milestones are if suggestion on the forum is picked up and implemented. Check.
Travel Mode sending permission for Vatican, which made me very happy.

And indeed the Pavlov effect when I see a mailman mailwoman in my area.


The milestone I remember most was that first card!

I’m at 279 sent and 276 received and have been on about fifteen months. I like watching the number, but I’m not as focused on that number, but the number I can have traveling. (14 now.) And as soon as I get an empty slot, I request a new address…that to me feels almost like a game show moment…like wheel of fortune of mail!

I am blown away sometimes by other people’s numbers. For the first time, yesterday I drew someone who has gotten more than 10000 cards and I was trying to find something that might be new.

But I’m not a postcard collector. I’m a lover of mail. I keep most cards–all the handmade ones and my favorites of received, but some really call out to be upcycled into art. I guess some people may not appreciate that, but I see it as a bonus…instead of sitting on a shelf in my home, it’s making someone else happy.


Cool. 7x10⁶, or to get the 0000007 it becomes 7x10‐⁶
Numbers are cool :grin:

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I don’t really care very much. I smile when I get a new round number (next one will be 500 I guess, only just noticed!) and that’s it. Don’t know if 1000 will feel different, but at this rate that’s another 6 years away, so…
(I don’t really want to send more than I already do, my pace works for me and I’m not chasing numbers).
In fact, the anniversary date of joining matters more to me. Guess I’m more of a date person than a number/milestone person :smiley:


Totally agree! :heart:

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Yes‼️ is like going to a party where the celebrated has everything he/she wants, needs, has…so, what can you bring?

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Here’s to you and the mail woman :clinking_glasses::champagne:


How many cards to you need to send to reach the 100 slots? I have 750 cards sent → 24 slots and I just can’t math today. I have the dumb.

EDIT: I see above that it is 4550 and yeah, brain really not working today. Sorry if you get a notification about it.


Bring yourself.

I personally don’t care about duplicates regarding the motif - since the other side of the card is always different!